Denmark has stolen children from their foreigner parents

Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Resilience of the Commoners

Lars Hedegaards's article Country Report on Islamization: Denmark, presented in Brussels in 2007, is visionary, practical and self standing, is just like an action plan , one of the best...
He supports the idea of resistance, the idea of a large coalition of people and countries to preserve liberty.
1. We must define who is the "we" which the umma is trying to subjugate and which must therefore defend itself. This we must know to be able to identify our potential allies.
Clearly we cannot be defined as "white", "Europeans", "Westerners", "Christian", "people of Greco-Roman or Judeo-Christian background" or the like. People fitting these descriptions are certainly prominent in our ranks, but then we have many other friends who do not match these labels.
The common characteristic of all those who have refused to accept the yoke of islam is precisely that they are determined to preserve our freedom or regain it if it has been lost. Little more can be said of them as a collective.

2. In the likely event that parts of Europe – and probably parts of other Western countries such as the U.S., Canada and Australia – will be lost to parallel societies outside of our political and judicial control – at least temporarily – we need to define achievable objectives for our defensive strategy.
It is clearly not enough for the voters in the democratic countries to elect new governments even if they promise to stem the inundation by umma-members or to resist the islamisation of our countries. Many of our institutions have already been undermined to a degree where they have effectively been turned into bastions of our enemies, and there is little any government, however well-intentioned it may be, can
do to counteract this pernicious influence in the absence of independent and determined popular resistance.

3. We need to develop a strategy that may allow us to achieve our objectives. This means that we must develop a comprehensive and deep strategy equal to that of islam. This strategy must take into account that some of our public and private institutions may opt to side with our enemies unless we force them to side with us.
A successful defensive strategy may necessitate the creation of parallel institutions under our control accompanied by civil disobedience vis-à-vis the official, dhimmified ones – which it a classical occurrence in occupied countries.
Read the complete report (PDF)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Denmark to enter recession in 2009

The Danish government slashed its growth forecasts for 2008 and 2009, predicting that the economy would contract by 0.2 per cent in 2009 after growing 0.2 per cent this year.
Financial turbulence and the weak international growth outlook will along with the wavering housing market and weakening competitiveness lead to weak GDP (gross domestic product) growth in coming years,” the Finance Ministry said in a statement.
Denmark’s economy is not expected to grow before 2010, when its GDP should rise by 0.7 per cent.The government also said it now expected Danish unemployment to double from this year’s 1.7 per cent to 3.5 per cent in 2010. The Danish economy can not avoid being affected by the global financial crisis and the poor outlook abroad.

Source: Invest in India

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

A man among others

Danish Computerworld awarded IT Factory, a provider of CRM, HRM and Business Intelligence add-on solutions based on a SaaS delivery model, with the prestigious “Denmark’s Best IT-company 2008″. This week, the company has been declared bankrupt and its managing director Stein Bagger went missing in Dubai while under scrutiny by the police and Interpol.

The remarkable story is all over the Danish press but has remained largely unnoticed outside of the country so far.

Stein Bagger apparently got his hands really dirty: he’s wanted by the Danish police by Interpol for financial fraud and a possible link to an assault on a business man (reportedly executed by members of the Hell’s Angels, a group he was connected to somehow), although charges haven’t been pressed so far. Nobody has seen Bagger since last Thursday, when he disappeared somewhere in Dubai, where he was attending a business conference in the company of his wife and child (his wife is also the one who reported his disappearance).

The Danish press dug up his background after Computerworld did some research in the context of the award that was handed out to IT Factory last week, and it turns out Bagger has connections to two Swedish business men (Carl Freer and Mikael P. Ljungman), who have been both convicted of fraud in the past. Further investigation is still being carried out.

Reporters also found out Bagger had been renting a secret office in a conference hotel since two weeks near the IT Factory offices, which he reportedly used to forge documents and signatures in order to keep the massive-scale fraud going (it concerns about half a billion Danish Kroner or $85 million). Overall, sources assess that up to 90 percent of IT Factory’s turnover had been based on non-existing or false contracts. There’s also talk of a scam where non-existing IT equipment and other stuff was sold to leasing firms, and the cash was sent off to shady offshore companies.

The fraud scandal has many corporations and banks in Denmark licking their wounds. One of the victims is international cycling team CSC-Saxo Bank, led by Bjarne Riis, who counted on IT Factory as one of their main sponsors.

Source: TechCrunch

Monday, December 01, 2008

Miss World 2008

The 58th Miss World Final will be held at Sandton Convention Centre in Johannesburg, South Africa on December 13, 2008. Originally, the pageant was going to take place in Kiev, Ukraine, but because of the ongoing crisis between Georgia and Russia in neighboring South Ossetia, the Miss World Organization decided to move the pageant away from Eastern Europe.
Denmark is represented by Miss Lisa Lents who was born in Belarus and grew up in Denmark. She lives in the beautiful city of Copenhagen, which in 2008 ranked ‘the most liveable city to live in the world, it also received an award as ‘Best Design City’. Lisa is currently for her Media Management degree; her ambition is to become a Journalist. Her proudest moment was winning the Junior World Championship in Taekwondo, she is now preparing for the next World Championships which will take place in December, in Turkey. Sports & leisure interests include: Martial Arts; tennis; billiards; football; basketball; fishing; painting; travelling; playing guitar; listening to all types of music from hip hop to country: reading; experimenting with new kinds of foods, but her favourite is Korean. Lisa’s motto is “Anything is possible when you believe in it”.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Gylfaginning, or the Tricking of Gylfi, is the first part of Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda. The Gylfaginning deals with the creation and destruction of the world of the Norse gods, and many other aspects of Norse mythology.

I. King Gylfi ruled the land that men now call Sweden. It is told of him that he gave to a wandering woman, in return for her merry-making, a plow-land in his realm, as much as four oxen might turn up in a day and a night. But this woman was of the kin of the Æsir; she was named Gefjun. She took from the north, out of Jötunheim, four oxen which were the soils of a certain giant and, herself, and set them before the plow. And the plow cut so wide and so deep that it loosened up the land; and the oxen drew the land out into the sea and to the westward, and stopped in a certain sound. There Gefjun set the land, and gave it a name, calling it Selund. And from that time on, the spot whence the land had been torn up is water: it is now called the Lögr in Sweden; and bays lie in that lake even as the headlands in Selund. Thus says Bragi, the ancient skald:

Gefjun drew from Gylfi | gladly the wave-trove's free-hold,
Till from the running beasts | sweat reeked, to Denmark's increase;
The oxen bore, moreover, | eight eyes, gleaming brow-lights,
O'er the field's wide: booty, | and four heads in their plowing.

II. King Gylfi was a wise man and skilled in magic; he was much troubled that the Æsir-people were so cunning that all things went according to their will. He pondered whether this might proceed from their own nature, or whether the divine powers which they worshipped might ordain such things. He set out on his way to Ásgard, going secretly, and- clad himself in the likeness of an old man, with which he dissembled. But the Æsir were wiser in this matter, having second sight; and they saw his journeying before ever he came, and prepared against him deceptions of the eye. When he came into the town, he saw there a hall so high that he could not easily make out the top of it: its thatching was laid with golden shields after the fashion of a shingled roof. So also says Thjódólfr of Hvin, that Valhall was thatched with shields:

On their backs they let beam, | sore battered with stones,
Odin's hall-shingles, | the shrewd sea-farers.

In the hall-doorway Gylfi saw a man juggling with anlaces, having seven in the air at one time. This man asked of him his name. He called himself Gangleri, and said he had come by the paths of the serpent, and prayed for lodging for the night, asking: "Who owns the hall?" The other replied that it was their king; "and I will attend thee to see him; then shalt thou thyself ask him concerning his; name;" and the man wheeled about before him into the hall, and he went after, and straightway the door closed itself on his heels. There he saw a great room and much people, some with games, some drinking; and some had weapons and were fighting. Then he looked about him, and thought unbelievable many things which he saw; and he said:

All the gateways | ere one goes out
Should one scan:
For 't is uncertain | where sit the unfriendly
On the bench before thee.

He saw three high-seats, each above the other, and three men sat thereon,-one on each. And he asked what might be the name of those lords. He who had conducted him in answered that the one who, sat on the nethermost high-seat was a king, "and his name is Hárr;[1] but the next is named Janhárr;[2] and he who is uppermost is called Thridi."[3] Then Hárr asked the newcomer whether his errand were more than for the meat and drink which were always at his command, as for every one there in the Hall of the High One. He answered that he first desired to learn whether there were any wise man there within. Hárr said, that he should not escape whole from thence unless he were wiser.

And stand thou forth | who speirest;
Who answers, | he shall sit.

Read the full text at Sacred Texts

Monday, November 24, 2008

The End of Marriage in Scandinavia

Marriage is slowly dying in Scandinavia. A majority of children in Sweden and Norway are born out of wedlock. Sixty percent of first-born children in Denmark have unmarried parents. Not coincidentally, these countries have had something close to full gay marriage for a decade or more.

Same-sex marriage has locked in and reinforced an existing Scandinavian trend toward the separation of marriage and parenthood. The Nordic family pattern — including gay marriage — is spreading across Europe. And by looking closely at it we can answer the key empirical question underlying the gay marriage debate. Will same-sex marriage undermine the institution of marriage? It already has.

More precisely, it has further undermined the institution. The separation of marriage from parenthood was increasing; gay marriage has widened the separation. Out-of-wedlock birthrates were rising; gay marriage has added to the factors pushing those rates higher. Instead of encouraging a society-wide return to marriage, Scandinavian gay marriage has driven home the message that marriage itself is outdated, and that virtually any family form, including out-of-wedlock parenthood, is acceptable.

This is not how the situation has been portrayed by prominent gay marriage advocates journalist Andrew Sullivan and Yale law professor William Eskridge Jr. Sullivan and Eskridge have made much of an unpublished study of Danish same-sex registered partnerships by Darren Spedale, an independent researcher with an undergraduate degree who visited Denmark in 1996 on a Fulbright scholarship. In 1989, Denmark had legalized de facto gay marriage (Norway followed in 1993 and Sweden in 1994). Drawing on Spedale, Sullivan and Eskridge cite evidence that since then, marriage has strengthened. Spedale reported that in the six years following the establishment of registered partnerships in Denmark (1990-1996), heterosexual marriage rates climbed by 10 percent, while heterosexual divorce rates declined by 12 percent.[...]

Take divorce. It's true that in Denmark, as elsewhere in Scandinavia, divorce numbers looked better in the nineties. But that's because the pool of married people has been shrinking for some time. You can't divorce without first getting married. Moreover, a closer look at Danish divorce in the post-gay marriage decade reveals disturbing trends. Many Danes have stopped holding off divorce until their kids are grown. And Denmark in the nineties saw a 25 percent increase in cohabiting couples with children. With fewer parents marrying, what used to show up in statistical tables as early divorce is now the unrecorded breakup of a cohabiting couple with children.[...]

Spedale's report of lower divorce rates and higher marriage rates in post-gay marriage Denmark is thus misleading. Marriage is now so weak in Scandinavia that shifts in these rates no longer mean what they would in America. In Scandinavian demography, what counts is the out-of-wedlock birthrate, and the family dissolution rate.[...]

In Denmark out-of-wedlock births stayed level during the nineties (beginning at 46 percent and ending at 45 percent). But the leveling off seems to be a function of a slight increase in fertility among older couples, who marry only after multiple births (if they don't break up first). That shift masks the 25 percent increase during the nineties in cohabitation and unmarried parenthood among Danish couples (many of them young). About 60 percent of first born children in Denmark now have unmarried parents. The rise of fragile families based on cohabitation and out-of-wedlock childbearing means that during the nineties, the total rate of family dissolution in Scandinavia significantly increased.[...]

Source: Catholic Education

Monday, November 17, 2008

Did you ever see a real red sea?

Mass slaughter of Dolphins. Just for fun, to prove themselves. To prove that they are tough guys. In fact there are no words that can tell this story. So for those with some strong nerves, look to the awful pictures.

In Feroe Islands, Denmark, every year the young boys of the island go to the beach and kil this innocent animals. The Risso's Dolphin is a playful animal that only feels curiosity towards human kind. When they reach the beach they are trapped by this barbarous people that unmercifully kill every dolphin they can reach. By this they prove that they are not kids and now are adults. This is an act of cruelty towards animals that only get close to them to play. I believe that human kind has evoluted enough for us to tolerate such act or be participants of such cruelty. I hope this petition get to someone that can do something to stop this act of cruelty from a "civilized" country.

Want to stop this? Ok, may be it helps when you sign this petition Please, help these animals and stop this cruelty. Shame on Denmark (video)!!

Petitions: Denmark Is a Big Shame and Stop Killing Dolphins in Denmark

Friday, November 14, 2008

No quick solution to financial crisis

Denmark may be a small, out-of-the-way European nation, but as the first country to guarantee the deposits and liabilities of all its banks, its experience is sobering. The unwinding of the current financial crisis, Danes have found, will not come quickly or easily.

Closely integrated into the global financial system, Denmark has discovered that ice-cold credit markets cannot warm up without easing elsewhere, too. And the same may prove true not just of smaller countries, but even some of the largest as well, like the United States, Japan and Britain.

"This is a global phenomenon," said Tonny Andersen, the chief financial officer of Danske Bank in Copenhagen. "The unfreezing will be challenging."

A sometimes skeptical member of the European Union that has so far refused to abandon its krone for the euro, Denmark is finding out what going it alone really means. Being a well-governed nation with a gilt-edged credit rating, however impressive in normal times, is not enough when global markets falter.

On Monday, the National Bank of Denmark and the European Central Bank cemented the latest in a string of global currency swap agreements, emergency measures aimed at replacing a currency market that no longer functions. The ECB in Frankfurt will provide Denmark with €12 billion, or $15 billion, "as long as needed," the two central banks said in a statement.

Denmark already has a swap line worth $15 billion with the U.S. Federal Reserve.

The Danish experience has underscored what American and European governments achieved with monumental bailout packages for banks - and what they did not.

Standard & Poor's, the ratings agency, said in a report after the bailouts were passed that the disintegration of the financial system had been avoided. Economies would not go off a "credit cliff," but neither would bank lending resume quickly.

"All these actions should restart the market," said Scott Bugie, managing director for financial services at Standard & Poor's. But, the report added, "it will take time to sink in."

Read the full article at International Herald Tribune

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Obama Criticizes Denmark

Barack Obama is on record criticizing Denmark — among other countries — for failing to take in its share of Iraqi refugees. The relevant statement is in a position paper (pdf format) entitled “Barack Obama: Turning the Page in Iraq” (page 4):
Fulfill America’s Obligation to Accept Refugees: The State Department pledged to allow 7,000 Iraqi refugees into America, but has only let 190 into the United States. Obama would expedite the Department of Homeland Security’s review of Iraqi asylum applicants. Obama also would appeal to the Coalition’s original partners to expand their refugee quotas. Coalition partners such as Great Britain, Australia, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Denmark, and Japan have done woefully little to meet the refugee crisis, and must be encouraged to do more. Arab governments, especially American allies such as Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, should also be enlisted.
This is not news — the document was published in 2007 — but it surfaced today in the Swedish press. That was enough to make the ever-alert Danes sit up and take notice, and it stirred discussion which eventually spread to English-language sites. As Islam in Europe described it:
In his “Turning the Page in Iraq” speech more than a year ago, Barack Obama mentioned that he expects the coalition partners to take in more refugees:
It’s also time to go to our friends and allies — and all the members of our original coalition in Iraq — to find homes for the many Iraqis who are in desperate need of asylum.
And an article in The Copenhagen Post had this to say:
Obama: Denmark has done ‘little’ for Iraqi refugees
Barack Obama said that several of the Iraq War’s coalition forces have not given enough Iraqi refugees asylum
President-elect Barack Obama criticised several of the Iraq War’s coalition force nations for not taking in enough refugees from the chaos-ridden country.
On his website, Obama outlines the goals of his up-coming presidency, including a section entitled ‘Fulfill America’s Obligation to Accept Refugees’. Here he writes that ‘coalition partners such as Great Britain, Australia, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Denmark and Japan have done woefully little to meet the refugee crisis and must be encouraged to do more’.
But the US State Department itself was not spared of the president-elect’s criticism. He pointed out that only 190 Iraqi refugees have been accepted by the US since the war’s start, in contrast to the 7,000 it originally promised to take in.
Read the full article at Gates of Vienna

Monday, November 03, 2008

Can Denmark Offer a Model Mortgage Market?

To reconstruct our mortgage system on a sounder basis, we ought to look to the Danish model, which has withstood many tests since it was brought into existence after the great fire of Copenhagen in 1795. It remains the best performing in Europe during the current crisis. First, it is an open system in which all mortgage originators can participate on equal terms as long as they meet the rigorous regulatory requirements. There are no GSEs enjoying a quasimonopolistic position.

Second, mortgage originators are required to retain credit risk and to perform the servicing functions, thereby properly aligning the incentives. Third, the mortgage is funded by the issuance of standardized bonds, creating a large and liquid market. Indeed, the spread on Danish mortgage bonds is similar to the option-adjusted spread on bonds issued by the GSEs, although they carry no implicit government guarantees.

Finally, the asymmetric nature of American mortgages is replaced by what the Danes call the Principle of Balance. Every mortgage is instantly converted into a security of the same amount and the two remain interchangeable at all times. Homeowners can retire mortgages not only by paying them off, but also by buying an equivalent face amount of bonds at market price. Because the value of homes and the associated mortgage bonds tend to move in the same direction, homeowners should not end up with negative equity in their homes. To state it more clearly, as home prices decline, the amount that a homeowner must spend to retire his mortgage decreases because he can buy the bonds at lower prices.

The U.S. can emulate the Danish system with surprisingly few modifications from our current practices. What is required is transparent, standardized securities which create large and fungible pools. Today in the U.S., over half of all mortgages are securitized by Ginnie Mae, which issues standardized securities. All that is missing is allowing the borrowers to redeem their mortgages at the lower of par or market.

Read the full article at The Wall Street Journal and the response article

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Denmark allows tax exemption for electric cars

As part of a bold new energy policy, the Danish government has exempted electric cars from all taxes until 2012. It’s all part of the Scandinavian country’s aggressive plan towards renewable energy. In March of this year Denmark’s Dong Energy in a partnership with a San Jose company, announced plans to build a 20,000 node recharging grid to be completed in 2011. That grid will be mostly powered from renewable wind energy.

The new tax credit has caused a rush of car makers looking to release electric cars for the favorable economic conditions in Denmark. Some of the car makers entering the market are Mercedes Benz, Saab, Volvo, France’s Axiom, China’s BYD, and America’s Tesla Motors.

It should be interesting in the next coming years to see if Denmark becomes the first country to have a real renewable energy powered car fleet.

Source: LastGasCar

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Denmark re-thinks euro adoption

The financial crisis "makes it evident" that Denmark needs to join the euro, Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen said on Thursday (30 October), while recent polls show that 50 percent of Danes are now in favour of scrapping the krone.

"The euro ensures political and economical stability in Europe and the current financial turmoil makes it evident that Denmark has to join the Euro," Mr Rasmussen said at the European Liberal Democrats annual conference in Stockholm.

Due to the financial crisis, Denmark's national bank had to intervene in the foreign-exchange market to support the krone, which is closely pegged to the euro, and to drive up interests rates to 5.5 percent, a historical high that translates into considerably higher mortgages and credits for Danish citizens.

Mr Rasmussen said that a referendum to switch to the euro could be held in 2011. Initially the Prime Minister was planning to organise a referendum this autumn, but the Irish No vote on the Lisbon treaty boosted the euroscepticism in the country, FAZ reports.

Danish voters already rejected several times the switch to euro. In 1992, they voted no to the Maastricht treaty which was only passed with an opt-out for euro-adoption. A referendum in 2000 on adopting the single currency was also lost by 53.2 percent to 46.8 percent.

Yet a recent poll showed that a slim majority of 50.1 percent of the Danes were now in favour of the euro.

The financial crisis may yet see Iceland join the EU itself to seek shelter. But Denmark's neighbouring country Sweden, who also rejected the euro in a 2003 referendum faces similar currency problems, has no plans to re-run the vote for some years from now, foreign minister Carl Bildt said earlier this month.

Source: EU Observer

Thursday, October 30, 2008

In Denmark, Even the Clergy Are Atheists

How corrupt and degenerate has Europe become? This much: Even the clergymen are losing faith in God.

"The Danish government today upheld the clerical suspension of a Lutheran minister who proclaimed last year that there was no God or afterlife, and he now could be fired or fined for declaring his beliefs in the pulpit," the Associated Press reported.

Lutheran ministers are on the taxpayers' dole in Denmark. Eighty-five percent of Danes supposedly belong to the state Evangelical Lutheran Church, but only 5 percent attend church regularly.
"The Rev." Thorkild Grosboell was temporarily suspended after claiming in an interview last year that "there is no heavenly God; there is no eternal life; there is no resurrection."

Then, in a sermon May 16, he claimed that "God had abdicated in favor of his son, hence in our favor. Therefore there is no longer a heavenly guarantee or an interfering might, there is only the godly kingdom [on Earth] that is achieved by us and between us. So if it fails, there is nothing."

Sounds as if he should be preaching at the U.N.

Source: Newsmax, July 13, 2004

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The EU Communitarian Agenda And The New Feudalists

Communitarianism is a collectivist philosophy that explicitly rejects individualism. It does not merely relegate individualism to a subordinate position, but is openly hostile to it. It is an ideology of 'civic society' which is nothing less than one version of Post-Marxist collectivism which wants privileges for certain wealthy and influential organized groups, and in consequence, a renewed feudalization of society. --Vaclav Klaus.

Communitarianist Ideology
The European Union is a major aspect of the `New World Order` and the so called `sustainable development` movement. The main objective of the Federal European State to be, is absolute social, personal and economic control in a collectivist and corporatist society. The philosophy behind the EU is a strange mixture of Capitalism and Communism - a form of Euro Marxism which owes much of its dogma to the Pre World War II Italian Marxist Philosopher, Antonio Gramsci. The nearest ideology to that practiced by the EU is something called `Communitarianism`, or what Tony Blair called the 'Third Way'.

We are talking of a dialectical trap here, with Corporate money funding Socialism as Thesis, ideological Socialism as Antithesis and Communitarianism or the `new imperium` as Synthesis. Money grabs and concentrates power, whilst State Socialism promises the total redistribution of ownership and wealth. This contradiction provides an almost irresistible dynamic.

Communitarians want to create a post-modern, post-democratic feudal society run by a small number of rich and powerful people with everyone else working as peasants. In order to achieve their objectives they must destroy the middle class and the nation state. Can anyone deny that their goals are firmly on course.

One of the most mysterious aspects of the European Union from a `lay-man's` standpoint is the decision making process. Even with only the bare minimum of research, it becomes clear that we the people have little or no influence on any of the decisions reached in our name and the subsequent diktats which inevitably follow. In this article/essay, I will try and identify the ideology and aims of the key socio- economic decisions that drive the EU, and how because of these decisions, our lives are increasingly no longer our own.

The socio political economic agenda of the EU is carefully and intentionally buried beneath myriad layers of tedious and unintelligible `newspeak`. Despite this, in recent years, as the pace of so called EU 'reform' has quickened, many researchers like myself have begun to expose and unravel this intentionally obtuse and often ambiguous jargon and reveal it for what it really is: A tool of confusion and misinformation intended towards the enslavement of the peoples of Europe by the rule of diktat and economic servitude.
By Philip Jones

Read the full article at or

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Danish Intifada

Muslims the New Jews?
There can't be too many people who consider themselves to be politically `aware` who have not seen, read or heard something about the `Muhammad` Cartoons, published a couple of years ago by the Danish `Newspaper` Jyllandsposten.

At the time, I was incredulous as to why a major national daily would commit such a provocative act, considering the tense relationship between the Muslim community and the host population here in Denmark. The presence of `taking a stand for free speech` certainly made me suspicious, as any non-Dane who has lived in Denmark will know; free speech is reserved for Danes only.
Today, I fully understand the thinking behind those ridiculous caricatures; Provocation ! Muslims in Denmark are treated very differently to those living in the UK or Germany for example. Their attempts to build a Mosque have been thwarted time and again by the weight of Danish bureaucracy. In 2008, there is still no purpose built Islamic house of worship in Denmark, nor for that matter, any dedicated Muslim cemeteries either.
Unlike in the UK, Muslims are kept out on the fringes of Danish society, and looked down upon simply for being different. I have many contacts within the local Islamic community and there is a sense of desperation. They feel socially and politically impotent. They are relegated to the lower end of the Job Market and are victims of a form of social injustice which is intensely xenophobic.
The current wave of unrest was sparked by Police Officers in Copenhagen who treated an elderly Palestinian man in an aggressive and unjust manner. Now the question is, was the subsequent reaction by the Muslim youths in that community a spontaneous outburst of frustration, or something more sinister?
Those who have taken an interest in the post 9/11 world will not be surprised when I say that these riots bear all the hallmarks of a `state sponsored` agent provocateur operation. In the aftermath of the `French Intifada` a year or so back, the OAS (French Intelligence) may have played a major role in stirring up racial and social hatreds. This is almost certainly the case here in Denmark, although I have no proof of this, the whole thing stinks.
Recently, two Tunisians were arrested for supposed threats to the `cartoonists` responsible for the Muhammad drawings, and are I believe to be deported. Reportedly, a third who is thought to be a `Danish` citizen will have no charges brought. I wonder who he's working for ?
The daily `ruse paper` Politiken has now come out in support of it's `sister` journal, Jyllandsposten supposedly in a show of solidarity for `Free Speech` in relation to the cartoons. Why has all this been rehashed now ? The world is drawing seemingly ever closer to a financial crash and the possibility of global conflict, the so called `Clash Of Civilizations`. What does this have to do with little Denmark ?
Both Politiken and Jyllandsposten are `Bildeberger` connected. Anders Eldrup, the Chairman of the Danish company `Dong` has been a regular attendee for the past five years. His wife, Merete Eldrup is the managing director of both publications. A further `participant` Toger Seidenfaden just happens to be Executive Editor in Chief for Politiken. Is this all a coincidence ? Fleming Rose, the Editor of Jyllandsposten conducted a highly one sided and uncritical interview with Mr Daniel Pipes, a major Zionist propagandist and `Neo Con`, a la Perle and Wolfovitz. In typical `doublespeak`, this `Hawk` is a member of the US Institute Of Peace.
By Philip Jones

More at

Thursday, October 23, 2008


The `Ekstra Bladet`, a daily `News` Paper here in Denmark ran an article in Sundays edition entitled 'Anal Sex is healthy for men'. The author, a Danish `Sexologist` Mr Robert Lubarski, writes that `men should surrender themselves to their sexuality, and that it was time that the social spotlight was shone on the `Male Orgasm`. He continues that 'Men who allow the accepted male role to dictate their habits in the bedroom are negatively affecting themselves' and that some men who have experienced Anal Sex worry that they might be Homosexual (a fair bet I think). He is concerned that today's man focus's too much on what he believes is his expected part to play sexually, instead of simply enjoying himself. This self proclaimed Sexual Guru, has his wife to bugger him with a strap on dildo. He doesn't believe that a man who allows his girlfriend to sodomise him with said `strap on` is any less of a man, quite the contrary. He believes that if a woman is so repulsed by such a request from her `lover` that she leaves him, then she wasn't worthy of the man's affections anyway.

In the article, he recommends that all men experience the joys of Anal Sex, particularly the `receptacle` part in the `play`. According to Mr Lubarski, the Anus is a very important part of a man's sexuality, and likens it's sensitivity to a woman's clitoris. He advises that men `massage` their prostate gland through the Anus, and suggests that either the owner of the gland, or his girlfriend/wife might do so.
The `News` paper then smugly states that six months ago, in a `poll`, 60% of male readers stated they enjoyed anal stimulation, and 62% of female readers answered that they enjoyed giving their male partners the afore mentioned stimulation.
Zany, indeed! Of course, if a woman is `buggering` her man, thereby taking on the male role, then she effectively becomes the dominant partner. Don't tell me this `Freakzoid` Lubarski isn't aware of this fact.

Feminism is the ultra poison of our age. So much of the evil flows from it, it is one the Illuminati's premier vehicles for dispersal, and this latest piece of bile, if adopted/accepted by all those idiot men who can't see the wood for the trees, will be the final nail in the coffin of male patriarchy, soundly hammered in.
This article was printed in a Daily, where children and teenagers would have had easy access to this poison. Danish society along with most others in Western Europe is so far past the point of no return now, that for any decent minded person, the situation is intolerable. How on earth are parents expected to raise their children to be adults with a sound moral base, in a society which openly promotes and flaunts perversion and degradation as being `healthy` practice ?

And you think you have problems over there.
The original article can be found at EkstraBladet
by Philip Jones

The Relentless March of Danish Communism/Feminism

The almost total and absolute takeover of all the public institutions by feminists here is on a level perhaps equalled only in the other Scandinavian countries. Even though the same route is being followed by most if not all other western nations, here, it's success is unparalleled.

In Denmark, this `long march` through the institutions began back in the sixties during what is generally referred to as `The Second Wave Of Feminism`. The Social `Democratic` government at the time were quick to adopt absolute `equality of the sexes` as party policy. (It should be noted that women in Denmark had achieved political equality back in the 1920's) but we are talking now about the total levelling and corrupting of natural genetic truths.

This ideological stance was then placed onto the school curriculum, which helped to secure national acceptance of the idea. At an early age, conventional ideas of gender roles were reconstructed. Boys were taught to cook, girls to saw wood. `Equality` (actually identically) was taken to it's logical conclusion. Children were indoctrinated with this notion, and told that both males and females must work.

This was in great part intended to destroy the customary belief that a woman's duty was to be a wife and mother, and substitute the idea that her place was beside her man in office and factory. The State controlled media played it's part in this too, and what was dubbed `sex role discrimination` was officially banned from children's programmes initially and throughout programming shortly after.

The effect of this social engineering can clearly be seen here in Denmark today, more so I believe, than anywhere else. Of course, it has happened throughout the west, but everything seems so exacerbated, extreme and highlighted here.

During the 1960's women began entering the Danish labour market `en masse` and at this time , a radical group calling itself the `Red Stockings` movement, came to the fore of gender conflict in Denmark. They were clearly inspired by the works of Gloria Steinem and Betty Frieden along with home grown ideologues like Lisa Norgaard, who had harshly criticized `pro family` associations attempting to raise the profile and official status of `housekeeping` as a profession, in line with other trades. Ms Norgaard saw this only as a ` devious male strategy` to keep women `enslaved` in the home.
By Philip Jones


Sunday, October 12, 2008

Homosexuality More Dangerous Than Smoking

Studies have shown that years of smoking shortens the lifespan of the smoker from 1 to 7 years. Recent analysis of the age of death in Norway and Denmark for gays who are legally married suggests that engaging in homosexual behavior reduces lifespan by 24 years!
So reported Drs. Paul and Kirk Cameron at the annual convention of the Eastern Psychological Association on March 23.
"What justification is there for condemning smoking and endorsing homosexuality?" asked Dr. Paul Cameron, of the Family Research Institute, a Colorado-based think tank. "Today, all across the Western world, school children are being taught the acceptability of homosexuality and the wrongness of smoking.
According to the Cameron research, married gays and lesbians lived 24 fewer years than their conventionally married counterparts.
In Denmark, the country with the longest history of gay marriage, for 1990-2002, married heterosexual men died at a median age of 74yrs., while the 561 partnered gays died at an average age of 51.
In Norway, married heterosexual men died at an average age of 77 and the 31 gays at 52 yrs. In Denmark, married women died at an average age of 78 yrs. compared to 56 yrs. for the 91 lesbians. In Norway, women married to men died at an average age of 81. v. 56 for the 6 lesbians.


Tuesday, October 07, 2008

DK Ultra - Constructing The Mind Controlled State

The Mass Mind Control of a population can be defined as the sophisticated exercise of control by utilising the ability to keep people oppressed yet contented. The Tavistock Institute For Human Relations 1954.

The Hive:
Visiting Denmark and living in Denmark are two totally different states of mind. To the visitor, it is indeed a green and pleasant land. Small and tidy with an apparently happy and welcoming populace. One overlooks the small things, the little irritants and peculiarities because one is on `vacation`.

It is when one lives permanently there that those same `small things`, `little irritants` and peculiarities start to beg questions. Why is it that the majority of Danes are all so alike? They dress alike, cut their hair alike, walk alike and talk alike. They use the same phrases time and again, eat the same food, enjoy the same leisure pursuits and live almost copycat lives, with little or no variation on the theme. I accept that this is a sweeping generalisation, but believe it to be valid all the same. There are of course exceptions and to those brave individuals, I give my respect and admiration. How or why they `slipped through the net` escapes me. But they are in the minority in every sense of the word, and this indeed adds to their splendour.

Every country and people have their national characteristic’s but in Denmark it goes beyond this, because again and I stress here that I am referring to the majority of Danes, the population is phobically conformist and has a profound and deep mistrust of all things and influences of a foreign origin. For those who watched the US TV Series, `Star Trek The Next Generation`, the collectivist and robotic alien force known as the `Borg` bears comparison, albeit one which admittedly is rather extreme. (Quite a coincidence actually `Borg` being a Danish word). Did Gene Roddenberry know more than he was letting on?.

Danes display a `Hive` mentality, clinging to each other ever closer as the outside world closes in, rupturing their manufactured and protected isolation, and they hold tight to their Queen Bee, the Welfare State, with which they have an almost metaphysical attachment.

In this Essay, I will present an hypothesis based on my own research, observations and experiences both actual and circumstantial, and the research of others operating in the same arena which I believe will show that the intentional Mind Programming of the Danish people has been underway since the end of WWII.

The Model Totalitarians:
The vindication of two of the twentieth century’s great prophets of doom is at this time of global fracture perversely fascinating. We humans love to prove ourselves imperfect and flawed. The two pessimistic visionaries of the future of which I speak are of course George Orwell and Aldous Huxley. Their respective doom laden obituaries of the future have already passed into folklore; These two classic nightmares of what very likely awaits us, are Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four and Huxley's Brave New World.. Straddling the War years between 1939 and 1945 , these books have already shown that they were written with the apparent gift of prophecy. Both envisaged a world in which the advance of science produced a new type of ruling class with powers hitherto not possible. Both scripted the final subservience of human beings to a revolutionary hybrid of technological manipulators and political managers.

Both works predict a similar end, but it appears that the tenets of a Brave New World model have been applied here in Denmark where Huxley’s novel is required reading on many adult education courses. Whereas Nineteen Eighty-Four which describes the logical conclusion of a Marxist Socialist dictatorship, or more correctly in the twenty first century a Communitarian one, has been adopted in those countries where the population is more likely to revolt and rebel against the encroachment of tyranny, such as in the US, France and the UK and some of the former eastern bloc countries now enmeshed in the EU Fascist State.
By Philip Jones

Read the full article at or

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Ten Reasons to Get Rid of the European Union

10. The EU Spreads a Culture of Lies and Corruption

Anders Fogh RasmussenAfter Irish voters had clearly rejected the Lisbon Treaty (the slightly changed, but otherwise recycled version of the European Constitution which had been rejected by French and Dutch voters earlier), Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen of Denmark said Ireland should be given less than nine months to work out its problems with the Lisbon Treaty prior to the EU’s parliamentary elections in 2009. Rasmussen said that the Irish “no” vote to the Constitution should not stop further work by the Union toward getting the treaty ratified. European leaders, including Danish ones, have generally preferred ratification of the EU Constitution without popular referendums because they know there is powerful resistance to it in many countries. It is meaningless to have referendums if they only come when the elites want them to, and these elites can ignore them if they dislike the results.

Mr. Rasmussen is a great example of how the European Union slowly destroys the democratic system and is deliberately designed to do so. He is supposed to follow the will of and interests of his people, but his actual loyalty lies with the rest of the EU oligarchy. He’s by no means the worst person among EU leaders; this isn’t about his personal flaws, it’s about the EU and how it eventually corrupts even otherwise decent individuals. A similar thing happened in Portugal, where the PM responded to calls from the leaders of Germany and France, not his own electorate.

The EU is a slow-motion coup d’état conducted against dozens of countries simultaneously. It is designed to empty all organs subjected to the popular will of any real power and transfer it into the hands of an unelected oligarchy. In fact, it’s worse than a coup d’état because this traditionally implied that a group of people seized control over a country. The EU doesn’t just want to seize control over nation states; it wants to abolish them. The EU is organized treason.

The EU elites react as one when faced with challenges to their power base from ordinary people. MEPs in the European Parliament as well as participants at every level of the EU system get very well-paid jobs for taking part in it, which means that their pragmatic interests lie with maintaining it. Their loyalty has been bought — with the tax money of European citizens — and transferred from their people, where it theoretically should be, to the EU. The EU is their pension plan, so to speak. When you challenge the EU, you thus constitute a direct threat to their personal financial interests, and they will respond accordingly.

Just like the Soviet Union, the European Union promotes a culture of lies and corruption which starts at the top and filters down to society as a whole. The EU system corrupts virtually everybody who comes close to it. It cannot be reformed, it can only be dismantled.

Read the full article at Gates of Vienna

Saturday, October 04, 2008


What is simply astounding about this phenomena is the complete apathy, disbelief and disinterest one encounters from others, including neighbours, friends and family when attempting to point out the myriad of white cloud like lines `criss crossing` the skies over our small village. The usual reaction is, “Oh! I never noticed”, or, “They're just the steam from the jet engines”. When asked to explain why Passenger Airliners would fly in such a bewildering array of patterns, most just shrug their shoulders, make their excuses and leave what they consider to be an uncomfortable situation as quickly as possible.

So, what are Chemtrails? We are dealing with `Star Wars` here. It involves the combination of Chemtrails for creating an atmosphere that will support electromagnetic waves, ground-based, electromagnetic field oscillators called Gyrotrons, and ionospheric heaters. Particulates make directed energy weapons work better. It is about "steady state" and particle density for plasma beam propagation. They spray barium powders and allow it to photo-ionize from the ultraviolet light of the sun. Then, they create an Aluminum-Plasma generated by "zapping" the metal cations that are in the spray with either Electromagnetics from HAARP, the Gyrotron system on the ground (Ground Wave Emergency Network), or space-based lasers. The barium causes the Aluminum-Plasma to become more particulate dense. This means they can create a denser Plasma than they normally could from simply ionizing the atmosphere. The greater density (more particles) means that these particles which are colliding into each other will become more charged due to the fact that there are more of them present to collide. What they are ultimately trying to do up there is create Charged-Particle Plasma Beam Weapons. Chemtrails are the medium - GWEN Pulse Radars, the various HAARPs, and Space-Based Lasers are the method, or put more simply, Chemtrails are the medium and directed energy is the method.

We are the Lab Rats for this technology and something has gone very wrong in the Industrial/Military/Intelligence complex somewhere along the line. Because developmental projects in government and military are often so compartmentalized, it is possible that someone could be using and developing this technology secretly and without authorization. Then again, behavioural and mind control programs were an authorized policy under MKULTRA. The forces working on behalf of the Illuminati are experimenting on the citizens of the world. We are talking about Satellite Charged-Particle Frequency Weapons attacking a person 24 hours a day. Psychotronic weapons are considered weapons of mass destruction by the U.N.

If this system is not stopped, it will kill billions due to aluminium and barium poisoning. It will kill billions due to crop failures and world-wide famine. It will cause heart attacks, strokes, and cancers. It will cause stillbirths, miscarriages, and infertility. The Chemtrail sprays often have fungi, bacteria, viruses, dessicated red blood cells, crystalline substances, carbon, metal cations, lithium, other chemicals, heavy metals, and who knows what else- probably smart dust, or `Nanocrap`.
by Philip Jones

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Government, Divorce, and the War on Fatherhood

For whatever reason, social conservatives focus considerable political effort on abortion, gay rights, and obscenity, but pay scant attention to divorce. Perhaps they think that ship has sailed for good, whereas other battles still offer winnable stakes. Perhaps too few look at our "family courts" and see a culture war; or perhaps too many lack the conviction to fight it. And when conservatives do target divorce, rather than lobby for legal reform of the "no-fault" divorce system, or changes in the way courts award custody or child support, they have preferred to employ the tools of ministry, treating divorce primarily as a moral problem rather than a political one; its attendant social evils as a consequence of sin, not of bad policy.
This is a grave mistake, says Stephen Baskerville, professor of government at Patrick Henry College and president of the American Coalition for Fathers and Children. In his startling new book, Taken into Custody: The War Against Fathers, Marriage, and the Family, he asserts not only that reforming America's divorce paradigm deserves a far higher priority among conservative culture warriors, but that our divorce courts today are agents of radical sexual ideology, occasions of shameless graft, and instruments for the expansion of governmental power at the expense of Constitutional rights. [...]

With the advent of no-fault divorce (before which divorces required cause, and fault could be assigned proportionately), "the fault that was ostensibly thrown out the front door of divorce proceedings re-entered through the back." Working from the "therapeutic" (read: morally relativistic) premise that both parties must be equally to blame -- which is to say, not at all to blame -- for a marriage's failure, divorce courts begin with an "automatic outcome" and then set out to find or manufacture evidence to support it.
How is that evidence obtained? Via "extensive and intrusive governmental instruments whose sole purpose is intervention in families." Having quit the marriage-enforcement business, government has turned the full weight of its resources and coercive powers to the divorce-enforcement business.

The main area in which government brings to bear those resources, and the red thread of Baskerville's book, is in assigning custody of children. With two-thirds of divorces initiated by women -- thereby immediately casting the man as the "defendant" -- and with courts overwhelmingly biased toward mothers already (in a paradoxical inversion of feminist doctrine, women are held both to be and not to be more naturally suited to nurturing and child-rearing), in practice the custody process typically amounts to a "power grab" by which fathers are forcibly separated from their children. The children, for whose benefit the process ostensibly exists, are then used as leverage by the prying state and as trophies by the custodial mother.

The fathers may have committed no crime; they may in fact be more dedicated than the mother to the marital stability that's in their kids' best interest, but no matter. The mother is rewarded for courageously having taken the "initiative" in the divorce -- for having invited, that is, the power of the state to arbitrate in the most private areas of their family life. Maneuvered by skilled lawyers, abetted by social-science "experts" steeped in anti-father ideology and myths, and followed by media more interested in soap-opera storylines than justice, she can by the very hint of a suggestion of an accusation -- of physical or sexual abuse, for example, or mental or emotional cruelty -- rob a man of his marriage, his children, and his livelihood.

Read the full text at

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Elephants go gardening in Denmark

This might seem odd, but elephants are being used to help with the gardening at a nature reserve in Denmark.

Apparently they're great at pulling out unwanted trees and bushes, without leaving big holes.

It's part of an experiment to see if the animals could work as a more environmentally-friendly alternative to machinery like tractors and diggers.

If it's a success, elephants will be called in help to maintain the Danish countryside for three months each year.

Source: BBC

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hefty Dinosaurs Trampled Denmark

Prehistoric footprints over 1-foot wide and 8-inches deep suggest that enormous sauropod dinosaurs once trampled Denmark, according to a new study that describes the first known Danish Mesozoic dinosaur tracks, which date to 144 million years ago.
The study, which has been accepted for publication in the journal Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, also documents the first lungfish burrows for that location and era, as well as possible tracks for small carnivorous dinosaurs.
All were found on the Danish island of Bornholm to the east of mainland Denmark.
"There is evidence of several different types of dinosaurs inhabiting Bornholm during the Mesozoic," lead author Finn Surlyk told Discovery News.
Surlyk, a professor at the University of Copenhagen's Geological Institute, explained that teeth for at least two types of dromaeosaurs, which were bird-like carnivores, as well as sauropod teeth were previously found at the site. Remains for ancient turtles, a huge ancient fish called Lepidotes and a streamlined shark known as Hybodus, meaning "humped tooth," have also been unearthed.
"So everything indicates (the dinosaurs) were living there as part of a diverse ecosystem," Surlyk said.
Like a child who leaves a handprint in wet clay or cement, the dinosaurs made their mark on Denmark by trampling through organic-rich, dark brown mud. Based on finds in the substrate, it appears they marched over plant roots, pieces of wood and pyrite, also known as "fools gold" because it resembles the more precious metal.
"They walked in a very shallow water lake or swamp," Surlyk said. "I think they were feeding there and simply lived in the surrounding dry land."
The lungfish burrows suggest that the climate on the island was much warmer than it is today. This eel-looking fish digs into moist lake floors when the water level of its habitat drops.
The burrows, extremely rare for this time period, further suggest a seasonal climate with alternating wet and dry periods, which would have been perfect for supporting vegetation and dinosaurs, like sauropods, which chomped on the plants.

More: Discovery

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Danish File-Sharers Not Responsible For Wi-Fi Theft

Two Danish women taken to court by IFPI affiliates for sharing music were found to be innocent. The two claimed they were the victim of WiFi theft, had no knowledge of the alleged infringements and therefore shouldn’t have to pay the damages. The court agreed and acquitted them of all charges.

Some time ago, two women from Denmark, both of which later admitted to having P2P software on their computers, received letters from IFPI anti-piracy affiliates Antipiratgruppen, claiming that they had been engaging in the unauthorized uploading of copyrighted musical works. According to reports, the letters demanded compensation - $30,000 and $32,000 respectively.

The cases went to court and were heard this Friday [Sept. 5th, 2008], and to the file-sharing masses of Denmark, it turned out to be a very important day. The women did not deny the claims that unauthorized file-sharing had taken place on their Internet connections but stated clearly that they were not the ones carrying it out.

They claimed that their Wi-Fi had been piggybacked by persons unknown but the music industry didn’t care. Rather like the lawyers chasing the UK’s alleged pinball pirates, they asserted that an Internet subscriber is responsible for what others do on their connection, and it was up to the women to prove that they had not shared music with others. The court didn’t agree and acquitted the women of all charges.

Read more at TorrentFreak

Friday, September 05, 2008


The most dangerous revolutions are not those which tear everything down, and cause the streets to run with blood, but those which leave everything standing, while cunningly emptying it of any significance.
The Danish philosopher Kierkegaard.

London's Evening Standard Edition for 1st July 2008 reported in an article entitled `Happyland` that a recent opinion poll revealed that of all the peoples of the world, Danes were the happiest. This the poll stated was due to the country's peaceful atmosphere, Democracy and social equality.

I have lived in Denmark for the better part of the last thirteen years, and yes, compared to the larger more industrialised nations, it is indeed peaceful here, and in the future, if current trends persist, will become ever more so as the population plummets due to the below replacement birthrate and a national antipathy towards immigration. The Danish Democratic ideal is as it is elsewhere today, a ruse to calm the masses into thinking they actually have a voice, when the truth is very different. When people believe themselves `free`, they do not rebel, so all remains `peaceful`. As for `Social Equality`, some Danes are more equal than others, and as it is everywhere else, a consulting surgeon for example, and a manual labourer are not regarded or treated as equals by anyone I have met here.

In recent times, there have been several such surveys conducted, all of which asserted that Denmark is the happiest place on the planet. The question is of course, why do we need to keep being told this? What is the purpose, and is there an agenda, as for the life of me, I cannot see Danes as being a happy people at all.

It is my thesis following much research and investigation into this phenomena that Denmark is, and has been for years, a `Test Zone` for the European Union in particular and the emerging New World Order in general. And that the constant reinforcing of this Danish `fairy tale` in the international media is contrived to convince the peoples of the EU firstly, and the rest of the world thereafter, that the subtle mental prison that is Denmark, is highly desirable and a model that all should strive for.

To state that Danes are the happiest people on earth is abject nonsense and I will attempt in this essay to debunk this Illuminati manipulated version of the truth once and for all.

The Danish concept of happiness is quite different to that of say the USA, or any of the other English speaking lands. Danish happiness is tied up entirely in one word; `Tryghed` or safety/security. Now these elements might be necessary for a happy life, but they do not constitute happiness in themselves. A long term prisoner might feel `safe and secure`, but how many would proclaim happiness.

The most common English dictionary definition of happiness is; " A state of pleasure, joy, exhilaration, bliss, contentment, delight, enjoyment, satisfaction".

Of the above, I can only say that I have witnessed in the Dane a sense of resigned contentment and satisfaction with his or her lot. The other elements are highly conspicuous by their absence. It should be noted that Danes are generally undemanding and compliant by nature and so long as the Status Quo is maintained, they shuffle about their lives innocuously enough.

So what is this all about then? It's about constructing an environment where people become servile and acquiescent. Grateful for the `scraps` handed down to them by their benevolent master, the State. As Aldous Huxley wrote in Brave New World, "The perfect Totalitarian State is one where the political bosses, and their army of managers, control a population of slaves, who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude". This describes Denmark and the Danes perfectly.
By Philip Jones

Read the full article at

Monday, September 01, 2008

Parents to pay for kids' vandalism

The government has had enough of young troublemakers and is ready to hold parents responsible for their children's misbehaviour.
A new proposal to make parents financially responsible for their children's vandalism has majority support in parliament.
Lene Espersen, the justice minister, and Karen Jespersen, the social welfare minister, have put together a proposal that will not only toughen the punishment for young offenders but will require that parents pay for any physical damage caused by their children.
The proposal from the Liberal-Conservative government will likely pass in parliament, having the support of the coalition's common ally, the Danish People's Party.
'It's a really good idea,' said Peter Skaarup, the party's legal affairs spokesman. 'It's a healthy thing that parents will feel the pinch in their pocketbooks when their kids don't behave properly and destroy public or private property.'
In addition to billing parents for damage and tougher punishment for offenders, the six-point proposal also recommends: creating parent help programmes; fines for slack parenting, such as when kids are truant; a bully-hooligan register; and more surveillance.
Espersen said the proposal is aimed at two problem groups in particular.
'It's the modern families who think it's best when children are raised without setting boundaries or limits,' said the justice minister. 'They end up doing whatever they want, and everything becomes about "me, me, me" instead of about the community. They're the types who end up throwing bricks off bridges onto vehicles.'
The other group are young people of non-Danish ethnic background.
'Many families of foreign background have a culture in which the boys should be in charge of their own lives already at the age of 8 or 9,' said Espersen.
Jespersen believes that more use of school detention should also supplement any changes in the law.
'It provides a certain order and discipline that is especially beneficial to the weaker students.'
The opposition Social Democrats, the nation's second-largest party, are also tentatively supporting the proposal.
'Maybe it will get parents to clamp down a bit on the kids if they believe they're going out to cause trouble,' said Karen Hækkerup, the party's legal affairs spokeswoman. 'But I still have a lot of questions about the proposal that first need to be answered.'

Source: The Copenhagen Post

Sunday, August 31, 2008

In Defence of Danish manhood

Having lived here for many years now, I must say that I can only concur with the comments made by the two young women mentioned above, and furthermore, this `Feminist` dominance, at least on the surface, is across the board and throughout all the public institutions. It seems to me that in order to actually get to deal with another man these days, one has to set one's sights very high up the Corporate or Municipal ladder.

So how were the progeny of `The Vikings` so reduced in stature? Scandinavia is the home of Social Democracy, which in reality is nothing more than `Cutural Marxism`. The whole social ethos of these Northern lands is Marxist to the bone. But there is more to this than first meets the eye. In fact, Danish society can appear to be something of a paradox, with it's flourishing consumerism (somewhat curtailed of late by the world economic downturn) and unashamed materialism on the one hand, neatly wed to a deeply embedded Marxist Socialist spirit on the other. Yet in reality, there is no paradox.. What do you get when a Socialist State gets in bed with Monopoly Capitalist Corporatism ? You get as Mussolini is once quoted as describing, `Corporatism` or rather ``Fascism`. That's right, I'm saying that Denmark is a Fascist State. A place whereby even the most minute details of a persons life are regulated and micromanaged by a vast State Bureaucracy. A Totalitarian Regime, elected by an deliberately uninformed populace.

Back in the 1960's, `equality of the sexes` was adopted as policy by the Social Democrats and placed on the school curriculum. At an early age, conventional ideas of male and female roles were broken down. Boys were taught to sew, girls to do woodwork. So called equality was taken to it's logical conclusion. There was no longer any reason why a father could not stay at home and care for the children whilst the mother went out to work. One of the purposes in predisposing women to work was clearly economic, but I suggest that this is only one `cog in the wheel`.

Men don't like being told what to do. Women are far easier to coerce and manipulate. The greatest obstruction to Totalitarianism is masculinity. The Danish State like all the other Dictatorships masquerading as democracies, hand in hand with Feminist ideologues, has conspired to emasculate the Danish male to the point where any prospect of some long lost `Viking` mentality rearing it's head in defiance, of the suffocating levels of control exercised by the State here would be unthinkable. Instead, as is the case in many other western lands, Danish men console themselves with Sports, DIY and other non ideological, apolitical diversions, leaving such things very often to what arguably passes for the female here. These `hobbies` are the only outlet left for men to express their masculinity, and the Danes do so with gusto. The Danish National Football (Soccer for North American readers) consistently outperforms sides from much larger countries, and Danish Boxers, although not truly World Class, are to be found around and about every weight division of the various Boxing Authorities. It is similarly the case with other sports.

Gender Role confusion is rampant, particularly in young men and teenage boys. My own Step Son has confided in me many times that he just doesn't understand what girls expect of him. He tells me that they are impossibly argumentative, confrontational, show no respect for the masculine at all. He says that he would like to meet a nice girl and settle down, but he cannot imagine ever finding one.

Danish girls play football, chew gum, shout and behave badly in public, dress slovenly, have bad attitudes and are generally not a good advertisement for the feminine at all. I myself, as a former `Guest Lecturer` have been dumbfounded at the open bias towards girls and young women in the schools and universities here. If anyone reading this doubts my accuracy, please check out the website of any Danish School or University. The preponderance of young women featured in the photographs on these web pages defies any such argument to the contrary. When a young male student is depicted, it is usually some unfortunately effeminate `girly boy`, with his girly hair and girly clothes complete with those hideous girly shoulder bags.

The whole system here is set up to belittle and ridicule the masculine. How many nauseating times have I heard this phrase, " Macho man are really frightened little boys". How I hate that one, and challenge any `woman` to say that to my face.

In conclusion, what has been done to Danish men is in many ways what is being done to men all across the world, only here, the condition is extreme. Nothing about the masculine is celebrated. Everything about the `Feminist` (note, I said feminist, not feminine) is automatically taken as being the accepted `Truth` and symbolically carved in stone.
by Philip Jones

Denmark, The Model Matrix For A Brave New World

The perfect totalitarian state is one where the all powerful political bosses and their army of managers, control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced because they love their servitude. -- Aldous Huxley, Brave New World

In Huxley's novel `Brave New World`, humanity lives in an apparently `Utopian` carefree, healthy and technologically advanced society `. Art, science and religion along with any vestiges of individuality and human emotion have all been corrupted and or erased in order to construct this Utopia. Warfare and poverty have been eliminated and everybody is permanently happy due to government conditioning and drugs. Also among the `eliminated` are `family, culture, literature and philosophy. Hedonism rules along with it's `bed partners`, promiscuous sex and drug abuse, in the form of `Soma`. A powerful psychotropic drug, rationed by the government in order to allow citizens escape from painful memories through hallucinatory fantasy. Social stability is maintained via deliberately engineered and strictly enforced social stratification.

Being a foreigner living in Denmark has had it's disadvantages. But the opportunity to observe and even live in such a society has been priceless. It is fair to say that it was my arrival here back in the mid nineties which ruptured my own complacency, and began my journey of discovery. I have written previously at length about my own experiences in Denmark (See Brave New Denmark & Happyland on so I will not indulge myself any further here. But what I must point out is that over the past eleven years, I have come to realise that there is something `Very Rotten In The State Of Denmark`.

In the Matrix movie, the Morpheus character says to Neo, "The Matrix is a system Neo, and that system is our enemy. When you are inside it what do you see? The minds of the very people we are trying to save. But until we do, these people are part of that system and that makes them our enemies. You have to understand that most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many are so hopelessly dependent on the system, they will fight to defend it".

It is all but impossible to `unplug` Danes from their `Matrix`, because they cannot or will not see that it exists, even when one presents compelling evidence that it does.. This coupled with the fact that they have been indoctrinated from kindergarten into believing that it is the perfect social model, and the only path to a just and happy life. All but a few react with extreme indignation when any failings in this `flawless` Danish state are pointed out, or idiosyncrasies in the Danish character are spotlighted. The very inference that Denmark is a Totalitarian State along the lines of Huxley's novel, which controls and micromanages their lives, causes a reflex `knee jerk` reaction which in it's uniformity of response is startling.

Read the full article at

Friday, August 29, 2008


Naive you are
if you believe
life favours those
who aren't naive.

When people always
try to take
the very smallest
piece of cake
how can it also
always be
that that's the one
that's left for me?

My faith in doctors
is immense.
Just one thing spoils it;
their pretence
of authorised

Here is a fact
that should help you fight
a bit longer:
Things that don't act-
ually kill you outright
make you stronger.
Love is like
a pineapple,
sweet and

Freedom means
you're free to do
just whatever
pleases you;
- if, of course
that is to say,
what you please
is what you may.

Problems worthy
of attack
prove their worth
by hitting back.

There is
one art,
no more,
no less:
to do
all things
with art-

Monday, August 25, 2008

Implosion in Denmark

The ancient Viking city of Roskilde is renowned for its picturesque views, music festivals and a cathedral where a handful of Danish kings and queens are buried. But now there's a small footnote to add to the tourist books: it is the site of Denmark's second bank failure.

The Danish central bank and several other private lenders announced Monday that they were paying 41.8 billion kroner ($8.3 billion) to take over Roskilde-based Roskilde Bank and effectively nationalize it. Now some 33,000 individual investors in Denmark have lost their money. (The bank's institutional investors already bailed a long time ago.) The Danish central bank governor said overnight that shareholders had lost 1.0 billion kroner ($198.2 million), and hybrid loan holders had lost 2.5 billion kroner ($495.9 million).

Roskilde will receive 4.5 billion kroner ($890.0 million) in cash from the central bank for its capital base, while the central bank and its buyers will also assume 37.3 billion kroner ($7.4 billion) of Roskilde's debts.

Roskilde is the second Danish bank to sell itself because of the credit crisis. Earlier this year, Trelleborg Bank was folded into larger rival Sydbank. Roskilde had also tried selling itself after receiving a 750 million Danish kroner ($149.5 million) cash injection from the central bank in July, but no buyer came forward.

"Danmarks Nationalbank sees the Roskilde Bank situation as very serious. It is expected that the takeover of Roskilde Bank will contribute to limiting the negative effect on the Danish financial system," the Danish central bank said in a press release on Monday [Aug. 25th, 2008]. Roskilde also revealed Monday that it was now expecting to post a loss of 1 billion kroner ($198.1 million) for the first half of the year, almost double the loss it had forecast last July. [...]

The question now is who might be next. Last Friday, Carsten Andersen, the chief executive of Sydbank, said he would not be surprised if one or two other Danish banks ran into similar troubles as Roskilde Bank in the next 12 to 18 months. Two banks that currently look to be at risk because of their rapid growth rates in the past two years and heavy lending to the property sector are small-cap lenders Max Bank and Sparekassen (or savings bank) Lolland.


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Danish depression

With this much wit, irony, good food, and drink it is difficult to imagine how Danes can suffer from depressions. But for some reason Danes will tell you that many people are lonely and depressed. The Indian anthropologist Prakash Reddy, who studied life in Denmark, also noted the Danish loneliness and said that:
In Denmark only thief's and the Jehovah's witnesses knock on people's doors without an appointment.

Maybe as result of no spontaneous visits Denmark has one of the world's highest suicide rates. Some Danes have described the suicides and depressions with the harsh and dark winters. But if this theory were to be correct there would be absolutely no people living in places like Norway, Sweden, or Finland.

According to Naipaul, Danes are depressed because they cannot get rich, and maybe that is why they always complain about the high taxes -which in fact are the highest in the world-, and the high price level. Personally, I secretly think that Danes enjoy their complaining. In fact, complaining is almost like a national hobby. Danes complain about the weather, which admittedly is a little sad at times. And at one point a delegate was actually elected to the Danish parliament because he promised better weather.

Danes also complain about the Danish welfare system, which is among the best in the world. But most importantly Danes complain about "the Law of Jante". "The Law of Jante" was written by the Danish/Norwegian author Axel Sandemose, and consists of 10 laws, and starts with: "You shall not believe that you are somebody". The "Law of Jante" describes the Danish obsession with not sticking out in a crowd and the social restrictions on people who somehow make themselves noted.

The only thing Danes actually never seem to complain about is their very popular Queen Margrethe, who reins the world's oldest monarchy. The queen is known for her nice personality and her artistic skills. And she has, among other things, illustrated Tolkien's famous book "The Lord of the Rings". Even though Danes hardly ever complain about their Queen, they do complain about her husband. -Maybe because he is from France and a foreigner…

iPhone 3G in Denmark

Telia of Denmark introduce a one-size-fits-all iPhone 3G plan for its customers that will cost $128 (DKK 599) per month for the first six months and include 300 minutes, unlimited SMS messages, unlimited calls to other Telia subscribers, and 300MB of data. Apple's 8GB iPhone 3G is priced at $298 (DKK 1399) with this single-choice plan, while the 16GB model is priced at $426 (DKK 1999).

After six months, subscribers can cancel their contracts, making the minimum buy-in cost for the first six months $1064 (DKK 4993) for the 8GB iPhone and $1193 (DKK 5593) for the 16GB model.

Subscribers who wish to keep their service after the first six months will see their monthly fee reduced from $128 (DKK 599) to $85 (DKK 399).

iPhone 3G Plans

Danes active in terrorism abroad

Many people who are either Danish citizens or have legal residency in Denmark are involved in terror-related activities abroad and will be more closely monitored, according to intelligence agency PET.

In its 2007 annual report, the agency stated that the number of such cases is increasing and called the development 'disturbing'.

PET mentions Iraq, Somalia, Yemen and Lebanon as countries Danish residents are often using to conduct terror-related activities. The involvement can be direct or indirect, such as financial assistance or the passing on of information, according to the agency.

The report points to the three recent terror trials in Denmark - the Vollsmose, Glasvej and Glostrup cases - as evidence that foreign-based terror groups have contacts inside Denmark. In addition, the report warned of independent terror networks existing within Denmark itself.

PET also indicated that Denmark's participation in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has put more focus on the country as a target for terror organisations.

Jakob Scharf, head of PET, said creating a dialogue with the more radical groups – which tend to be of Muslim background – was a part of prevention efforts, even if the dialogue was based on disagreement. He said the UK's tactic of finding contacts that have influence over young people was of vital importance.

In addition to addressing terrorism, the report also showed that organised crime was increasing in Denmark, primarily in connection with narcotics.

Source: The Copenhagen Post

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Danish Royalty at Olympic Games

Denmark’s Crown Princess Mary and Crown Prince Frederik attend the Group B men’s basketball game between China and the U.S. at the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games August 10, 2008. From here: Best of Everything

Wednesday's Question: What language do they use in their conversation? English or Danish? I bet it is English language...

Red Bull banned in Denmark

Just one can of Red Bull could raise the risk of heart attack or stroke, even in young people, researchers have warned.
A study of university students found drinking one 250ml can of the sugar-free version of the energy drink that 'gives you wings' increased the 'stickiness' of the blood and raised the risk of life-threatening clots.

Dr Willoughby, of the Cardiovascular Research Centre at the Royal Adelaide Hospital, said he was 'alarmed' at the results and would not drink Red Bull himself.

Those with underlying heart or circulatory problems should think twice before buying the caffeine-loaded drink, he said.

The results, reported in the Australian newspaper, also shocked the students taking part, some of whom drank up to eight cans a night to help them stay awake to study. Many now refuse to drink Red Bull again.

Red Bull is banned in Norway, Uruguay and Denmark because of health fears, but the company last year sold 3.5 billion cans and bottles in 143 countries.

In Britain alone, it has sales of £271 million a year, with much of the cash spent in bars and clubs were it is a popular mixer with vodka and other spirits.

Previous studies have warned the stimulant effect of Red Bull can mask some of the tell-tale signs of drunkenness - putting revellers at risk of injury and attack because they do not realise how intoxicated they are.

More: Daily Mail

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The New Totalitarians

This is Roland Huntford's shocking book The New Totalitarians (1971) which exposes Swedish society as a "peaceful utopia" totally controlled by a bureaucracy which actively discourages all signs of individuality and dissent while indoctrinating the youth to simply accept the technocrat's rule and obey the authorities without exception. This nordic country hasn't been involved in war since Napoleonic times, it managed to stay out of both world wars, was neutral during the cold war and has never experienced invasion or occupation in modern history. Thus it was easier to establish the Fascist model of the corporate state in Sweden than in Mussolini’s Italy for cultural and historic reasons, since Sweden had a centralized bureaucracy even before Marxism whereas Italians are skeptical of state authority. Put simply: Swedes have tended to trust their bureaucrats, which no Italian (or any other) in his right mind would ever do. The author also notes that socialist professor Gunnar Myrdal and his wife Alva, both highly influential ideologists in developing the Swedish welfare state, had intimate connections with the German academic world during the Nazi age. They promoted the idea of positive eugenics and forced sterilization programs against those with “weak genes.” Sweden was also among the first to sterilize the mentally ill, beginning in 1934 and is still using its mental hospitals in order to combat their alleged detractors as any rebellion against the authority is considered as insane. The newspaper Dagens Nyheter later contended that the ruling party at the time – the Social Democrats – "accepted the policy as an essential part of their overall philosophy." This close ideological connection between Socialists and Fascists might surprise those who have been brought up to believe that these ideologies are polar opposites. But in fact, they have more in common with each other than either have with classical liberalism, above all the tendency to reduce the individual to an organic part of the state. Many have lived under Communist dictatorship and know very well how easy it is to control people, but it seems nobody is so successful as the Swedish government. When it comes to brainwashing the whole society Swedes might be at the very top as the most docile people on the planet, exceeding even traditional religiously controlled people. The author had lived in Sweden for a few years and in The New Totalitarians he has done a wonderful analysis of the whole Swedish society. Closing with the chapter called Brave New Sweden it vividly portrays how socialism has managed to establish almost perfect control over the individual, erasing the public memory of any dissenters and using all possible means to pretend that the whole society lives in an utopia and that there is simply no need to change. 350 pages. A must read for everyone.