I never knew of any Country where the Minds of the People were more of one calibre and pitch than here; you shall meet with none of the extraordinary Parts or Qualifications, or excellent in particular Studies and Trades; you see no Enthusiasts, Mad-men, Natural Fools, or fanciful Folks; but a certain equality of Understanding reigns among them: every one keeps the ordinary beaten road of sense, which in this Country is neither the fairest nor the foulest, without deviating to the right or left.Yet upon occasion of the last Poll Tax, I heard that the Collectors were forced to take from this and other Towns (in lieu of Money) old Feather-beds, Bedsteads, Brass, Powter, Wooden Chairs, etc. which they violently took from the Poor People, who were unable to pay, leaving them destitute of all manner of Necessaries for the use of Living.I suppose by this time an English Reader has taken a Surfeit of this Account of Taxes which the Subjects of Denmark do pay; but it ought to be a great Satisfaction to him to reflect, that through the Happiness of our Constitution, and the Prudence and Valour of our King, the People of this Nation, though enjoying ten times more natural and acquired Advantages than the Danes, which causes more than ten times their affluence; do not for all that pay towards the carrying on the most necessary and just War, the third part in proportion to what the King of Denmark's Subjects do in time of profound Peace.The King has taken such care by reducing Ancient and Rich Families to a low Estate, by raising new ones, by making all the People poor in Spirit, as well as Purse; that thirty two years has had an effect conducing to his purpose, as much as three hundred could have done: Insomuch that I verily believe, the Danes do now really love Servitude; and like the Cappadocians of old, could not make use of Liberty if it were offered them; but would throw it away if they had it, and resume their Chains. Possibly they would wish them less weighty, but Chains they could not live without. If there be one or two among so many thousands who are of contrary Sentiments, they dare not so much as mutter then to their own Children, nor would be heard with patience if they did.
It is fascinating to read how many
traits have remained more or less unchanged for more than 300 years.
Let's just repeat one phrase:
...the Danes do now really love Servitude; and like the Cappadocians of old, could not make use of Liberty if it were offered them; but would throw it away if they had it, and resume their Chains.
Then compare it with a phrase Aksel
Sandemose wrote in his book about the Law or Jante above (page 76 in the 2000
The Law of Jante and the religion of Jante demonstrate that when a human has been oppressed for sufficiently long time, it takes over the oppression itself. ... We always saw to it that everybody lay broken and crestfallen. It was brilliant in its complete idiocy, and nobody even benefited from it.
in Danish:
Janteloven og jantereligionen viser, at når mennesket har været holdt nede tilpas længe, så overtager det undertrykkelsen selv. ... Vi sørgede altid for, at alle lå knuste and flade. Det var genialt i sit totale idioti, og der var ikke engang nogen, som nød godt af det.
These two books were written
independently of each other, by an Englishman and a Dane respectively, and with
238 years in between. Yet, they arrive at a similar result what the Danes are
From here