There are fewer strictly religious immigrants in Denmark, and more who feel Danish. The distance between the political debate and reality is incraseing, researchers claim.
While the government is dealing with the burka ban which had come to notion and is increasing requirements for foreigners who want permanent residence in Denmark, integration is going ahead, according to new data from the Catinét analysis institute, which researched a big group of refugees and immigrants regarding their relationship to religion and Danish-ness. Religion is taking up less space, and the percent of immigrants who feel Danish is increasing, the data shows.
Indeed the distance between the political debate and reality among immigrants is increasing, professor and integration researcher Ulf Hedetoft of Copenhagen University thinks.
"Thers is a very weak link between reality and the very marginalizing debate, in politics and in the media. Often with an unbalanced focus on individual cases," says Ulf Hedetoft, who is also head of the Nordic Migration Research, an association for researching immigration to the Nordic countries.
According to the study, the percent of immigrant who don't feel Danish at all, dropped from 30% in 2005 to under 20% in 2009. More and more feel both Danish and foreign or mainly Danish.
And regarding religion - about 80% of the participants were Muslims - the percentage who describe themselves as "most possibly religious" dropped from 19.8% to 10% in that period. At the same time, the groups of "least possibly religious" and "only a bit religious" grew.
Source: Islam in Europe and Kristeligt Dagblad (in danish)
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Stop Fur Industry in Denmark
Negligence is a widespread tendency in Danish mink and fox farms!
Denmark's major newspaper Ekstra Bladet, activists from the Animal Organization ANIMA and Danish TV2 has revealed unimaginable cruelty of mink and fox farms in Denmark.
Here are some examples:
A fox with three legs that are lagging around the grill. A fox with a mouth full of abscesses. More mink with lamb hind leg, which can not move. A whole raft of mink with open flesh wounds.
The animals are neglected in the Danish fur industry, which is one billion business and one of Denmark's major export successes.
We want immediate ban on Denmark's fur industry!
Petition: here
Denmark's major newspaper Ekstra Bladet, activists from the Animal Organization ANIMA and Danish TV2 has revealed unimaginable cruelty of mink and fox farms in Denmark.
Here are some examples:
A fox with three legs that are lagging around the grill. A fox with a mouth full of abscesses. More mink with lamb hind leg, which can not move. A whole raft of mink with open flesh wounds.
The animals are neglected in the Danish fur industry, which is one billion business and one of Denmark's major export successes.
We want immediate ban on Denmark's fur industry!
Petition: here
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Denmark and the U.S. in 2010
Opinion about Denmark at newgeography
Denmark is a good microcosm. It holds lessons for us here in the States, good and bad. [...]
Denmark is a mixed-economy (free market competition with a large public sector), social welfare, multi-party democratic country that, because of its small size and international exposure, is affected more quickly and deeply by social, economic and political forces at work in the Western (and wider) world. It was a founding NATO member (1949) and the first Nordic member of the European Union (which it joined, simultaneously with Britain and Ireland, on New Year’s Day 1973). For such a small, homogenous country, it has amazing social, economic and political diversity (for example, over the past 36 years some 15 different political parties have at one time or another garnered representation in Folketinget, the Danish Parliament).
Denmark has had, and continues to have, an outsized global influence relative to its size, whether in diplomacy, design, architecture, or quality manufacturing. Denmark gets a lot of things right. The standard of living is high, and so is the quality of life. As for the Danes themselves, both the famous and anonymous, they display an unmistakable national character combined with healthy individualism. (The unwritten law of Danish culture commands that one is not to draw attention to oneself, but it’s liberally violated!) [...]
Denmark is a good microcosm. It holds lessons for us here in the States, good and bad. [...]
Denmark is a mixed-economy (free market competition with a large public sector), social welfare, multi-party democratic country that, because of its small size and international exposure, is affected more quickly and deeply by social, economic and political forces at work in the Western (and wider) world. It was a founding NATO member (1949) and the first Nordic member of the European Union (which it joined, simultaneously with Britain and Ireland, on New Year’s Day 1973). For such a small, homogenous country, it has amazing social, economic and political diversity (for example, over the past 36 years some 15 different political parties have at one time or another garnered representation in Folketinget, the Danish Parliament).
Denmark has had, and continues to have, an outsized global influence relative to its size, whether in diplomacy, design, architecture, or quality manufacturing. Denmark gets a lot of things right. The standard of living is high, and so is the quality of life. As for the Danes themselves, both the famous and anonymous, they display an unmistakable national character combined with healthy individualism. (The unwritten law of Danish culture commands that one is not to draw attention to oneself, but it’s liberally violated!) [...]
How to get young people into work
"It's been very helpful," Andersen says. "I don't think I would have gone into [further] education if I had not been on this programme."
Andersen is one of a hundred or so unemployed young people taking part in the scheme run by the city. It is one of the many policies Denmark has been pioneering to reduce youth unemployment. So far, they appear to be effective.
In the UK, 18.4% of under-25s are jobless, but the proportion in Denmark is only 3.2%. And part of the reason for these good results is that Denmark has intensive employment programmes to help those who are at most risk of joblessness.
"The Danes spend more money on building up the capabilities of people than we do," says David Coats, associate director for policy at the Work Foundation. "Their jobcentres are helping young people make the transition between education and the workplace much better than ours in the UK."
"For every person who comes here, we prepare a plan that will vary according to the person's situation," explains Louise Hare, a consultant at the jobcentre in south-west Copenhagen that deals only with under-30s who have little or no education. "We will try to identify the barriers preventing someone from getting a job or an education and see how we can help."
More at The Guardian
American Citizen Tortured by Danish Police
Details on this blog.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Strike at Carlsberg
The strike was initiated after the company’s decision not to pay local pay rises for blue collar workers this year following a weak Danish market in 2009.
According to Carlsberg spokesman Jens Bakke, the number of strikers could reach 1,100 by Sunday. The manager declined to comment on the likely financial effects of the action. "We don't know how long the strike will last," he said.
From FoodBizDaily
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Street View Available in Denmark
Street View imagery is already live in Sweden and Denmark.
You can see the streets in Copenhagen:
1. Nyhavn
2. Frederiks Kirke (Marmorkirke)
3. Rådhus Pladsen (Copenhagen City Hall)
...and in Sweden:
1. Turning Torso (Malmö, Sweden)
2. Øresund Bridge
3. Storkyrkan
4. Riddarhuset, Stockholm
You can see the streets in Copenhagen:
1. Nyhavn
2. Frederiks Kirke (Marmorkirke)
3. Rådhus Pladsen (Copenhagen City Hall)
...and in Sweden:
1. Turning Torso (Malmö, Sweden)
2. Øresund Bridge
3. Storkyrkan
4. Riddarhuset, Stockholm
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Mel Gibson to Make Viking Film
The language will be true to the period and the film will be subtitled.
Of the as-yet-untitled Viking epic, Gibson said: "I think it's going to be [in] English - the English that would have been spoken back then - and Old Norse. Whatever the ninth century had to offer. I'm going to give you real.
"The very first idea I ever had about making a film was when I was 16 years old and I wanted to make a Viking movie. And I wanted to make it in Old Norse, which I was studying at the time. That was the first big, epic, wacky idea I ever had."
Gibson plans to include unsparingly violent scenes for added realism. "I want a Viking to scare you. I don't want a Viking to say, 'I'm going to die with a sword in my hand'," he said. "I want to see somebody who I have never seen before speaking low, guttural German who scares the living ---- out of me coming up to my house."
The script is being developed by William Monahan, who wrote the screenplay for the Oscar-winning crime drama The Departed. Work is expected to begin in the autumn.
Producer Graham King said: "This will be an awe-inspiring story."
Source: The Telegraph
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
'No place for burqa' in Denmark
The face-covering burqa and niqab veils worn by some Muslim women "have no place in Danish society", Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen has said.
"They symbolise a view of women and humanity that we totally oppose and that we want to combat in Danish society," he said.
Denmark was "an open, democratic society where we look at the person to whom we are talking, whether it's in a classroom or on the job".
"That is why we don't want to see this garment in Danish society," he said.
Mr Rasmussen said his centre-right government was "discussing ways of limiting the wearing" of the veils without violating the Scandinavian country's constitution.
The prime minister's comments came a day after the publication of a report which showed that use of the burqa was "extremely rare" in Denmark, though no figures were given, and that the niqab was worn by "between 100 and 200" women.
More at
Islam in Europe
"They symbolise a view of women and humanity that we totally oppose and that we want to combat in Danish society," he said.
Denmark was "an open, democratic society where we look at the person to whom we are talking, whether it's in a classroom or on the job".
"That is why we don't want to see this garment in Danish society," he said.
Mr Rasmussen said his centre-right government was "discussing ways of limiting the wearing" of the veils without violating the Scandinavian country's constitution.
The prime minister's comments came a day after the publication of a report which showed that use of the burqa was "extremely rare" in Denmark, though no figures were given, and that the niqab was worn by "between 100 and 200" women.
More at
Islam in Europe
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Dealing With 'Envy, Puzzlement And Poverty' In Denmark
Denmark Leads the Way in Digital Care
Denmark's ban holds lesson
Denmark City Council votes to legalize hash & marijuana
Norman Finkelstein interviewed on Danish public service TV by Jewish, and pro-Zionist host Adam Holm. November 14 2009. Norman Finkelstein to Jewish journalist in Denmark: You are spouting Israeli propaganda (Video)
Students in Denmark Allowed Full Access to the Internet During Exams
Denmark Leads the Way in Digital Care
Denmark's ban holds lesson
Denmark City Council votes to legalize hash & marijuana
Norman Finkelstein interviewed on Danish public service TV by Jewish, and pro-Zionist host Adam Holm. November 14 2009. Norman Finkelstein to Jewish journalist in Denmark: You are spouting Israeli propaganda (Video)
Students in Denmark Allowed Full Access to the Internet During Exams
Saturday, January 16, 2010
A World of Happiness
Happiness statistics are rotten in the state of Denmark.
After recently visiting Copenhagen, Denmark with her BFFs the Obamas, she [Oprah] decided that the Danes have got it all figured out. Her study of happiness around the world found that Denmark tops the list. Blondes and bicycles abound in this heavenly Nordic nation, and with free health care and education – and exorbitant spending on maternity and unemployment benefits – this Scandinavian sanctuary has been deemed the world's happiest country. [...]
However, Oprah should have done her research a bit more thoroughly before becoming too attached to the smørrebrød and rødgrød. [...]
Happiness must be graded on a curve in Denmark. Since everything is so wonderful, it's strange to see that the Danes are actually so unhappy that they commit suicide much more often, in every adult age bracket, than we sad and confused Americans do. And while Denmark celebrates its effectiveness in caring for the elderly, the country is #1 in the world in suicides for those aged 65-74. And for all of its great health care programs, Danes and Americans have almost exactly the same average life long as citizens don't kill themselves. [...]
Maybe happiness comes from not having to work very hard or invent anything. The U.S. is #1 in innovation, while Denmark is #17. The U.S. is #3 in patenting, while Denmark is #27. The U.S. is #1 in business efficiency, while Denmark is #8, and the U.S. is #2 in overall productivity per person, while Denmark is #8. The U.S. has a higher gross national income in total and per capita. And while the American economy has been struggling of late, it maintains a higher GDP growth rate than Denmark, which was one of the few countries in the world recently with a net negative growth rate.
Even though our education system is certainly in disrepair, we still are home to seven of the top ten universities in the world. Denmark has zero. We have 31 of the top 100 universities and 168 of the top 500. Denmark has one and five, respectively. Despite political correctness, we must be doing something okay in higher education.
[...] the Danes have a much higher divorce rate than Americans do.
Though America may not be as happy as Denmark, it appears that we try much harder to make others happy. The U.S. is #2 in the world in personal participation in charitable organizations. Denmark is #16 at only 2%. The U.S. is by far #1 in the world in Red Cross donations -- nearly twenty times higher than #8 Denmark. [...]
From American Thinker
After recently visiting Copenhagen, Denmark with her BFFs the Obamas, she [Oprah] decided that the Danes have got it all figured out. Her study of happiness around the world found that Denmark tops the list. Blondes and bicycles abound in this heavenly Nordic nation, and with free health care and education – and exorbitant spending on maternity and unemployment benefits – this Scandinavian sanctuary has been deemed the world's happiest country. [...]
However, Oprah should have done her research a bit more thoroughly before becoming too attached to the smørrebrød and rødgrød. [...]
Happiness must be graded on a curve in Denmark. Since everything is so wonderful, it's strange to see that the Danes are actually so unhappy that they commit suicide much more often, in every adult age bracket, than we sad and confused Americans do. And while Denmark celebrates its effectiveness in caring for the elderly, the country is #1 in the world in suicides for those aged 65-74. And for all of its great health care programs, Danes and Americans have almost exactly the same average life long as citizens don't kill themselves. [...]
Maybe happiness comes from not having to work very hard or invent anything. The U.S. is #1 in innovation, while Denmark is #17. The U.S. is #3 in patenting, while Denmark is #27. The U.S. is #1 in business efficiency, while Denmark is #8, and the U.S. is #2 in overall productivity per person, while Denmark is #8. The U.S. has a higher gross national income in total and per capita. And while the American economy has been struggling of late, it maintains a higher GDP growth rate than Denmark, which was one of the few countries in the world recently with a net negative growth rate.
Even though our education system is certainly in disrepair, we still are home to seven of the top ten universities in the world. Denmark has zero. We have 31 of the top 100 universities and 168 of the top 500. Denmark has one and five, respectively. Despite political correctness, we must be doing something okay in higher education.
[...] the Danes have a much higher divorce rate than Americans do.
Though America may not be as happy as Denmark, it appears that we try much harder to make others happy. The U.S. is #2 in the world in personal participation in charitable organizations. Denmark is #16 at only 2%. The U.S. is by far #1 in the world in Red Cross donations -- nearly twenty times higher than #8 Denmark. [...]
From American Thinker
What's Behind Oprah's Love of Denmark?
This is a RUSH transcript from "The O'Reilly Factor," from Fox News, January 14, 2010. [...]
BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Culture Warrior" segment tonight, the happiest people in the world. Some researchers believe they are the Danes, and Denmark has been in the news recently. The global warming conference was held there, and Oprah visited trying to get the Olympics to come to Chicago. Now during Ms. Winfrey's stay in Denmark, she recorded this. [...]
GRETCHEN CARLSON, "FOX & FRIENDS" CO-HOST: I would say, who wouldn't be giddy when you find out that you get free health care, free education, four years of payment at 90 percent even after you lose your job, until you read the fine print, which is at the bottom of the document, which says oh, by the way, Danes pay the highest income tax of anyone in the entire world.
O'REILLY: Do you know what the average is? It's about 75 percent if you're making good money, right?
CARLSON: It's definitely over 50 percent.
O'REILLY: OK. So you pay all your money to the government, and they give it — they kick it back to you, Hoover, in the term of entitlements. But that does provide security for the 5.5 million Danes.
HOOVER: Well, and that's exactly the point. You make a fabulous point. There are 5.5 million Danes.
O'REILLY: Right. [...]
Read more at Fox News with video
BILL O'REILLY, HOST: In the "Culture Warrior" segment tonight, the happiest people in the world. Some researchers believe they are the Danes, and Denmark has been in the news recently. The global warming conference was held there, and Oprah visited trying to get the Olympics to come to Chicago. Now during Ms. Winfrey's stay in Denmark, she recorded this. [...]
GRETCHEN CARLSON, "FOX & FRIENDS" CO-HOST: I would say, who wouldn't be giddy when you find out that you get free health care, free education, four years of payment at 90 percent even after you lose your job, until you read the fine print, which is at the bottom of the document, which says oh, by the way, Danes pay the highest income tax of anyone in the entire world.
O'REILLY: Do you know what the average is? It's about 75 percent if you're making good money, right?
CARLSON: It's definitely over 50 percent.
O'REILLY: OK. So you pay all your money to the government, and they give it — they kick it back to you, Hoover, in the term of entitlements. But that does provide security for the 5.5 million Danes.
HOOVER: Well, and that's exactly the point. You make a fabulous point. There are 5.5 million Danes.
O'REILLY: Right. [...]
Read more at Fox News with video
Monday, January 11, 2010
Danes Study Immigrants
As part of the prolonged national headache caused by a Danish newspaper’s decision to publish 12 caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in 2005, last weekend’s attack on one of the cartoonists responsible had a certain awful inevitability about it. [...]
“I’m sorry to say, but it’s déjà vu — every time we experience an episode, then in 10 minutes we have them saying we have to have a new law,” said Naser Khader, a member of Parliament and the spokesman on foreign affairs and immigration for the Conservative People’s Party. He was speaking of the increasingly powerful Danish People’s Party, whose votes the government relies on to pass legislation and whose populist, anti-immigrant rhetoric has informed and inflamed debate in recent years.
After the attack, the People’s Party leader, Pia Kjaersgaard, said that it should be easier to deport Danes linked to terrorists. “It must be crystal clear to everyone in this country that we cannot accept having Islamists who associate with terror being more or less tolerated in this country,” she said.
Mr. Khader is just as hostile toward Islamists as anyone in Danish politics; he recently proposed banning burqas. But he said the latest comments had gone too far. “You have to be responsible when such incidents happen, and not let emotions take over,” he said.
New details about the suspect in the attack on the cartoonist, 74-year-old Kurt Westergaard, have increased complaints that the security service has been lax in monitoring people suspected of being terrorist sympathizers.
Read more at NYT
“I’m sorry to say, but it’s déjà vu — every time we experience an episode, then in 10 minutes we have them saying we have to have a new law,” said Naser Khader, a member of Parliament and the spokesman on foreign affairs and immigration for the Conservative People’s Party. He was speaking of the increasingly powerful Danish People’s Party, whose votes the government relies on to pass legislation and whose populist, anti-immigrant rhetoric has informed and inflamed debate in recent years.
After the attack, the People’s Party leader, Pia Kjaersgaard, said that it should be easier to deport Danes linked to terrorists. “It must be crystal clear to everyone in this country that we cannot accept having Islamists who associate with terror being more or less tolerated in this country,” she said.
Mr. Khader is just as hostile toward Islamists as anyone in Danish politics; he recently proposed banning burqas. But he said the latest comments had gone too far. “You have to be responsible when such incidents happen, and not let emotions take over,” he said.
New details about the suspect in the attack on the cartoonist, 74-year-old Kurt Westergaard, have increased complaints that the security service has been lax in monitoring people suspected of being terrorist sympathizers.
Read more at NYT
Friday, January 08, 2010
It was a setup
The sister of the Somali accused of attempting to kill Kurt Westergaard maintains that the Danish PET (security police) coerced her brother into attacking the cartoonist in his home: “The police made him do it”.
Danish neocons stage phony terrorist plot
Danish neocons stage phony terrorist plot
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Danish Talent
Nothing else than barbaric sounds. Retards on a stupid show...
Friday, January 01, 2010
Multicultural Year in Denmark
TB says:
I have translated some ethnic-cleansing news articles from today’s papers in this country formerly known as peaceful little Denmark. Being little is the only word that is still correct in that last sentence of mine, since both peaceful and Denmark have passed into history.
The most catastrophic political decision that was ever made in Danish history — to open up our borders for these wild animals — takes its toll every day now. I will celebrate tonight, even though I anticipate that 2010 will be worse than 2009 which was worse than 2008 which was worse than 2007 which was worse than… [...]
From Berlingske Tidende:
Drinking party ended in knife assault
I have translated some ethnic-cleansing news articles from today’s papers in this country formerly known as peaceful little Denmark. Being little is the only word that is still correct in that last sentence of mine, since both peaceful and Denmark have passed into history.
The most catastrophic political decision that was ever made in Danish history — to open up our borders for these wild animals — takes its toll every day now. I will celebrate tonight, even though I anticipate that 2010 will be worse than 2009 which was worse than 2008 which was worse than 2007 which was worse than… [...]
From Berlingske Tidende:
Drinking party ended in knife assault
Two Rumanian men — 41 and 42 years old — were imprisoned on Wednesday, charged with violence.Read more at Gates of Vienna
The two men ran amok while participating in a party for six Rumanians in an apartment on Skovvej, Nørresundby. The drinking ended when a 33-year-old man was stabbed in the stomach with a knife.
“During the party they started a discussion and it ended when the two men stabbed the third in the chest,” police officer Bjarne Maeng states.
Present in the apartment were also two other men and a woman. They did not get away unharmed, and were hit in the face by the two perpetrators.
In the apartment police have found the knife that was used, and the attack was so violent that the knife had broken.
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