Denmark has stolen children from their foreigner parents

Thursday, May 31, 2007

A story about Denmark

Renata told the following story in November 2004:

".... I would like to write about what happened to our family in Denmark. In June 2000, my Danish husband and I together with three children came to Denmark. Why? According to my husband's opinion, it should have been a perfect country to take our kids. A bit of savings and a move to Denmark, then we could have more time for our family. I understood that we should have more possibilities of doing things together, find secure jobs and very honest people surrounding us.

This is what happened to us: My husband got a job. Meanwhile, we were living in a rented house in a small town in "Midtjylland" [the middle of Jutland, ed.]. The security of him having a good job was great, as was knowing that everything should work out as planned. Our biggest dream was to own a house with a nice garden so our children could play and finally have a place to call their own. We started to look around for a house which we were able to afford at the time. After a few weeks looking and discussing carefully with the estate agent, we bought our house. There was a lot to renovate and do. We were used to hard work and we were trying to create a perfect humble home. It seemed that my husband's boss was more than jealous, so he told him that there was no more work for him. That was the first lie that we were faced with: The secure job that he never had. Automatically, our situation changed, but a few weeks later, my husband got another job in one of the richest and biggest companies in town. Too bad that his boss was an alcoholic who was very good at complaining and finding problems in everything. My husband worked there for two years and was fired by his boss who retired a month before he decided to fire him. He never had a chance to meet the new boss and keep his job. After that, we were in big trouble.

At the same time, our daughter was confirmed. In Denmark, confirmation was the step into real and adult life. A few months after the confirmation, at the age of 13, our daughter started going to parties, drinking and smoking. For her, it was okay, because everyone else did it. It went on for a year, and we sent her to a boarding school that she wanted to go to. When she came home for the weekends, she was never home, she was partying the whole time and didn't come home at night. We were looking for her everywhere, but she never told us when or where she was going. She started to cut her arms and be very aggressive. At school, she shared a room with three other girls. Two of these girls were abused by their fathers, and the third was beaten and came from a divorced family. The two girls who were molested were also schizophrenic and had many problems that they shared with my daughter. She had many things to think about and went crazy herself. The community promised to cover the expenses of her school, but that ended up differently. The one who should be responsible for that wasn't there anymore. My daughter also should have had a psychologist from the community, but she only saw him twice. There are drugs and alcohol in school, and everyone pretends not to see it.

Our economic and mental situation was devastating. We put our house for sale in March 2003. Another estate agent was responsible for selling our house. We gave them the keys to our place and we left for 2 months outside Denmark. When we came back, we had an electricity bill for 17,000 kr. [2,300 euros or £1,600, ed.]and a cut telephone wire. My husband was going out of his mind. The government would not help us financially because we owned a property [this is a classic example of the workings of the Jantelov. Property owners in Denmark are permanent targets of envy from others, because they are considered rich when owning property. The politically correct behaviour is to be poor and live in rented, social accommodation. Hence, property owners will be harassed by all available means by the administration, at least until they break down and sell. It doesn't matter if the rent is more expensive than the mortgage payments. What matters is that you are not property owner, because by being a property owner, you show that you think you are better than others, according to the wicked Jantelov. In places where rented and owned buildings are next to each other, it can be seen that those who live in the rented flats frown upon the "rich ones" in the owned flats. ed.]. So the first announcement about our house going on forced sale came fast. Then, the estate agent that sold us the house came by to assure us that they would be able to help saving our house by selling it. They convinced us that it was nonsense that the other estate agent was unable to sell a house for so long time, from March to November 2003. So again, the original estate agent acted quickly and advertised our house. Keeping the friendly smiles on their faces, they drove us to "the bottom of the sea". They said that they couldn't help in any way, but they sold the house a week after the auction. Even though we found a family member who was willing to help us and loan us money, one lawyer decided not to accept it. All those people are liars and cheaters, wearing elegant clothes, smiling nicely and ripping your life to pieces with cold blood and no mercy. But the worst is that there is no justice over those people in Denmark. We can't find a lawyer to take our case, because we need 35,000 kr. before anybody will talk to us and take our case seriously. Right now, our family is living out of Denmark with big scars that are very hard to heal. All names and telephone numbers will be given if requested. We went trough living hell surrounded by communists and ignorants, which is something that you can't describe in words, but something that stays with you for as long as you live. The plague of hate, jealousy and hopelessness is what these robot-like people are."

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Problemă de matematică

Dacă rezolvi această problemă eşti deştept: 3 bărbaţi ajung la un hotel, cumpără o cameră cu 30$, adică 10$ de fiecare... Proprietarul hotelului spune că numai 25$ costă camera. Îi spune cameristului să ducă 5$ înapoi celor 3 bărbaţi. Neavând cum să împartă 5$ în 3, păstrează 2$ şi le dă oamenilor câte un 1$ înapoi... Acum logic ar fi aşa: la început au plătit câte 10$ dar luând câte 1$ înapoi rezultă că fiecare a plătit 9$... Acum e buba: 9+9+9=27, apoi 27+2 cât a băgat cameristul în buzunar = 29... Unde este un dolar????

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Fraud and Corruption in the Legal System in Denmark

When the Government wishes to impose a new tax, it doesn't matter if the principles behind the new law conform to the constitution, European legislation, human rights or other treaties. What matters is the money, and that the government can get away with the fraud. Even if some citizens should win at the supreme court ten years later, many will have been discouraged.

While Russia is trying to recover from lawlessness and introduce a proper legal base, Denmark is drifting towards lawlessness, as promoted by the highest powers in the country. There is already a centralised computer system monitoring all financial, and many other affairs of the citizens. Thus, the citizens are exposed to attacks from the state at any time. George Orwell's "1984" was introduced in Denmark little by little.

Denmark is politically and legally corrupt, and you have very little chances of ever making any progress there.

Tax authorities, as supported by the whole, corrupt establishment including the courts, will spare no means to wrench every penny out of you, once they've got you in sight. Innocent people have been driven to suicide, nervous breakdown and financial ruin by the tax authorities and their evil servants.

Exported Products and Foreigners' Perception of Denmark

However mean the Danes may be between them, they are incredibly proud of anything produced in Denmark, and all exported products are covered in little, red, Danish flags, the Dannebrog, and "Denmark" or "Danish" is written all over the place. Of course, all that makes no difference to foreign customers, who've never heard anything about Denmark. Asked about Denmark, a Brit or a Frenchman would ask if it's part of the EU. The informed reader will know that Denmark joined at the same time as Britain and Ireland, namely 1 January 1973. If you show a map of Scandinavia to a Brit and ask him to point out Denmark, he'll show you either Norway or Sweden.

People outside Scandinavia usually believe that Denmark is a quiet, orderly fairy tale like country, with a welfare system that takes care of everybody in a fair way. Little do they know about all the crime, the violent police, the record high taxes, the people dying while awaiting life-saving operations, the mean Jantelov, the envy, the immorality, and the corruption.

Other examples of the Jantelov

As a practical example of the Jantelov, an expat Dane who bought a Renault Espace in Denmark in order to export it elsewhere in Europe, and as such free of Danish taxes, was told by the car dealer that sometimes those at Renault Denmark who prepared the documents required to register the car abroad apparently delayed the documents as a symptom of envy towards expat Danes who bought expensive cars that Danish residents normally cannot afford. It's a true story!

Many countries allow their citizens to vote at parliamentary elections even when expatriated. Not Denmark. The moment a Dane puts his/her Jantelov-disobedient foot outside the Danish border, he/she loses all parliamentary voting rights. This part of the Jantelov is even written in the Constitution. A recent modification allows expat Danes who stay outside Denmark for less than 2 years to vote, though.

The Danish Taxes

Denmark is the master of tax. According to international statistics, Denmark has the highest overall taxation in the world. The following is a selection of the taxes:
  • A complex system of income taxes takes up to about 70% of peoples' salaries.
  • Plundering of personal pension funds. One of the underlying principles is that the funds are allowed to grow with the inflation plus 2-3%. Any revenue above that is confiscated as tax. In fact, the calculations are so complex that it's impossible for anyone to verify them.
  • The Value Added Tax is the highest in the European Union with 25% on all products and services, food and children's articles included.
  • Excise duties ("punktafgifter") add some extra tax to specific products like alcohol, tobacco, chocolate, soft drinks, packaging, matches and petrol. The excise duty is calculated on the goods and the VAT, resulting in a system where one pays tax on tax.
  • Car registration tax of 180% of the car and the VAT (the first 45.000 kr. are taxed "only" at 90%, and there are deductions for some safety equipment). Note that this includes a "tax tax" because the registration tax is also calculated on the VAT.
  • Annual road tax.
  • Tax on car insurance.
  • Fuel tax.
  • Energy taxes.
  • Green taxes.
  • Driving licence tax.
  • The European Union's most expensive television licence of 1894 kr. a year.
  • Various stamp duties, such as 600 kr. for a passport.
  • Tax on the number plates for cars of about 1200 kr.
  • Full income tax on all savings interests and capital gains. Many countries have taxfree schemes to encourage individual savings. Not Denmark.
  • Property tax.
  • Another tax on owned property. This used to be called tax of lejeværdi af egen bolig (letting value of own habitation). The communist principle behind it was that the habitation represents a potential taxable letting income. The letting value was calculated on a progressive scale from 2.5% to 7.5% of the public valuation. The letting value was added to the personal income before income tax was calculated. Thus, one paid tax of an income one never had. The principles have now been changed in order to hide the fraudulent nature of this tax. This tax is due even on properties abroad owned by residents of Denmark, and even if such properties abroad are already taxed in the country where they are.
  • Inheritance tax.
  • Emigration tax.

A practical example of the Jantelov

According to Jantelov, don't try to flaunt your wealth if you're one of the few; don't pretend that you're better, smarter or more clever than others, whether it's true or not. If you progress above the average level, be it intellectually or materially, then be discreet about it. That is, unless you're an intellectual of the correct political observance: Extreme left wing. Any attempt not to conform will be punished through extreme taxes, envy, and maybe even sabotage by fellow citizens and the government. This may happen through a variety of subtle ways. People who emigrate are subject to envy and therefore the wrath of the Jantelov, because the only reason for emigrating that a well-conditioned Dane can think of is to avoid paying tax and thereby evading their duty to show solidarity with the less wealthy. Also, by emigrating, you show that you think you are better than other Danes, and that is unforgivable. Unfortunately, communistic and socialistic indoctrination sets in from an early age. Because of the high taxes, both parents are forced to work and leave their children at institutions, where the personnel has every opportunity to implant the "correct" ideas in the children. Thus, many Danes actually believe in the destructive regime.

The Danish Food

Denmark's contributions to cooking are flæskesteg (roast pork prepared with the rind on it, served with sweet/sour red cabbage, boiled and caramelised potatoes and a brown sauce), hakkebøf (steaks of minced beef, served with boiled potatoes, fried onions and a brown sauce) and frikadeller (fried meat balls made of minced pork and veal, served like the hakkebøf). As opposed to the brown sauce served in Britain, the Danish version sometimes has a taste.

Lunch is open sandwiches prepared on slices of rye bread. Any sort of meat, including what was left of the dinner the day before, may be used on the smørrebrød. In particular, marinated herrings in spicy sauce is popular. The lunch is washed down with Danish beer, and at weekends with snaps (an alcohol made on potatoes and with various herbs like cumin). The snaps must be served ice cold.

The younger generations are increasingly revolting against the fatty diet, which is replaced with pizzas, pastas, and other foreign food.

Longest danish word

Danish is a Germanic language, so it bears some resemblance to German and Dutch, while Norwegian and Swedish are very close to Danish. It means that Danish follows the German habit of gluing words together, giving very long words such as stærkstrømsregulativfortolkningsproblem = interpretation problem regarding a power current regulation

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Danezii se trag din traci

Nenumărate izvoare istorice confirmă continuitatea filonului tracic, din care făceau parte şi geto-dacii, şi influenţa pe care acesta a exercitat-o de-a lungul mileniilor în Europa, dar de multe ori, aceste izvoare sunt ignorate.

Împinşi de marea năvălire a hunilor, goţii din Europa de răsărit au ajuns până în Scandinavia. În Evul Mediu se spunea că strămoşii danezilor s-au numit iniţial daci şi că au venit în zona Mării Baltice de la Marea Neagră (Popescu-Puţuri, Pe urmele strămoşilor, Rev. Magazin istoric, nr.2, 1988).

Carolus Lundus (Karl Lund) de la universitatea din Upsala remarca, în secolul al XVII-lea (1687), asemănări între credinţele religioase vikinge şi cele geto-dacice; ambele popoare adorau ca zeu principal pe Zalmoxis, în lucrarea de referinţă „Zamolxis primus Getarum legislator“.

Regii danezi, până doar acum câteva sute de ani, se auto-intitulau „reges daciae”, păstrând astfel memoria ancestrală a originii lor. La 1275, este menţionat un rege danez numit Petrus de Dacia, aflat în fruntea unui... „Colegiu al Daciei”!

O baladă normandă afirmă ca normanzii (danezii, stabiliţi in nord-vestul Franţei) îşi au originea la "mult marele fluviu Dunăre…numiţi Dani, care erau anticii Daci…"
Ou de Danube un flum mult grant,
K'Ester claiment, cler e luisant,
Ki le regnes vait devisant,
A cele part torne en corant
Furent cil apele Dani,
Ki esteient ancieis Daci…

Unde Dunărea, un fluviu mult grandios
Care este ?, clar şi luminos,
Care domina ?…?….
La acea parte întoarce alergând
Fură deci numiţi Danezi,
Care erau anticii Daci…

Iată, aşadar, un leit-motiv ce caracterizează istoria medievală, acela de a integra în partea occidentală a Europei valorile incontestabile ale civilizaţiei dacilor.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


Ce este geocaching-ul? Geocaching este un joc de aventură pentru utilizatorii de GPS (Global Positioning System) şi nu numai pentru ei. Participarea la o vânătoare de cache-uri („comori“) este o metodă utilă de a profita de caracteristicile şi performanţele unui receptor GPS. Ideea de bază a acestui joc este ca persoanele fizice sau organizaţiile să plaseze cache-uri în toată lumea, iar aceste locuri să fie publicate pe internet. Utilizatorii de GPS pot folosi coordonatele locului pentru a descoperi aceste cache-uri. O dată găsit, cache-ul poate oferi vizitatorului foarte multe satisfacţii. Vizitatorii cache-urilor sunt rugaţi ca, dacă iau ceva din cache să pună altceva în loc.

Lista celor 3390 de cache-uri („comori“) din Danemarca se află aici, iar a celor 77 cache-uri din România se află aici.

Eu am descoperit 69 cache-uri chiar şi fără o unitate GPS. Am folosit o hartă care arată locul exact al comorilor (Skatte i Danmark).

Profile for alexandru

Sunday, May 13, 2007


The Little Mermaid (Den Lille Havfrue),
the very well known statue in Denmark

Părerile mele despre Danemarca

Am o părere foarte bună despre SERVICII - aproape cele mai bune din Europa:
  • taxele se plătesc prin internet (nu pierzi vremea degeaba la cozi la plata curentului - aici vine o dată pe an - sau a cablului, telefonului sau altor utilităţi).
  • multe obiecte se pot cumpăra prin internet, fără efort.
  • transportul merge ceas (autobuze, trenuri, taxiuri), dar au probleme când vremea este proastă sau sunt accidente.
  • când plăteşti cu cardul la magazin poţi scoate de pe card o sumă în bani lichizi, „200 kr. øveni“. Unele magazine funcţionează ca şi bancomate, fără să plăteşti taxa de bancomat. Cred că este un serviciu extraordinar, care în România nu există.
  • sticlele de orice fel (în afară de cele de vin) se refolosesc. Se plăteşte „Pant“ pentru sticle care se primeşte înapoi când acestea se returnează la automatele pentru sticle care dau un bon cu care poţi cumpăra orice. În România acest serviciu nu există, deşi ambalajul de plastic al băuturilor se plăteşte. Este inacceptabil şi furt pe faţă.
  • poşta (nu durează mai mult de 48 ore ca o scrisoare să ajungă la destinaţie).
  • Danemarca este ţara celor care nu le place să muncească. Ai cam tot atâţia bani dacă munceşti sau dacă nu munceşti. Ajutorul social este semnificativ. Statul are grijă de cetăţeni.
Am o părere foarte proastă despre:
  • cred că danezii sunt rasişti, nu le plac străinii, mai ales musulmanii. Au o lege nescrisă a lor: Janteloven.
  • in magazinele alimentare de bază nu poţi plăti cu card VISA din altă ţară - numai cu Dankort danez, ceea ce nu-mi place. Este o ţară închisă.
  • dacă vrei să ai un automobil, îl plăteşti de 3 ori - taxele sunt exorbitante.
  • oamenii sunt necomunicativi. Mie mi se pare că danezii sunt obraznici, nepoliticoşi, individualişti, cred că lor li se cuvine totul - mai ales în relaţia cu un străin.
  • dacă un danez are o părere diferită de a ta, chiar dacă este greşită, prietenia s-a stricat definitiv. Ei cred că au dreptate întotdeauna, chiar dacă nu este adevărat.
  • cam 1 din 7 din danezi (mai mult de 10%) se căsătoresc cu străini, iar rata divorţului e foarte mare. Aici nu e nevoie de motiv de divorţ, se poate obţine chiar dacă aşa vrea persoana respectivă şi nu te poţi opune acestui fapt. Libertatea personală este nelimitată încât poate duce la imoralitate. Mulţi copii nu au cui să spună TATA, ceea ce nu e moral. Relaţia interumană lasă de dorit.
  • sunt foarte mulţi handicapaţi psihic şi bolnavi mintal, beţivi şi prostituate. Pentru unii aceasta este o mândrie iar alţii exploatează la maximum handicapurile lor pentru a câştiga mai mulţi bani fără să mişte un deget.
  • statul ştie fiecare detaliu despre tine: câţi bani ai în bancă, dacă lucrezi la negru, ce datorii ai. La capitolul ăsta nu ai cum să înşeli statul, el va ştii dacă ţi-ai plătit impozitul sau nu. Sistemul cu calculatoare este foarte bine pus la punct.
Per total este o ţară civilizată unde poţi să o duci bine, dar cred că în Suedia este şi mai bine.

Saturday, May 12, 2007


The Jante Law, one of Aksel Sandemose's more famous concepts, is developed in his novel En flyktning krysser sitt spor ("A refugee crosses his tracks") (1933), where he portrays his native town Nykøbing Mors as it was in the beginning of the 20th century.

Here they are, in danish, English and Norwegian.
  1. Du skal ikke tro, du er noget.
    You shall not believe that you are somebody.
    Du skal ikke tro at du er noe.
  2. Du skal ikke tro, at du er lige så meget som os.
    You shall not believe that you are as worthy as us.
    Du skal ikke tro at du er like mye verd som oss.
  3. Du skal ikke tro, at du er klogere end os.
    You shall not believe that you are any wiser than us.
    Du skal ikke tro at du er klokere enn oss.
  4. Du skal ikke bilde dig ind, at du er bedre end os.
    You shall not imagine that you are any better than us.
    Du skal ikke innbille deg at du er bedre enn oss.
  5. Du skal ikke tro, at du ved mere end os.
    You shall not believe that you know anything more than us.
    Du skal ikke tro at du vet mer enn oss.
  6. Du skal ikke tro, at du er mere end os.
    You shall not believe that you are more than us.
    Du skal ikke tro at du er mer enn oss.
  7. Du skal ikke tro, at du duer til noget.
    You shall not believe that you are good at anything.
    Du skal ikke tro at du duger til noe.
  8. Du skal ikke le ad os.
    You shall not laugh at us.
    Du skal ikke le av oss.
  9. Du skal ikke tro, at nogen bryder sig om dig!
    You shall not believe that anyone cares about you!
    Du skal ikke tro at noen bryr seg om deg!
  10. Du skal ikke tro, at du kan lære os noget!
    You shall not believe that you can teach us anything!
    Du skal ikke tro at du kan lære oss noe!
Aksel SANDEMOSE 1899—1965 (famous Danish writer)

This is the danish philosophy of life. When I read this I think danish people are arrogant and impolite. They believe they are the center of the universe and the rest of the world means nothing. Maybe I am wrong but this is what I feel.

Denmark is a xenophobic country

I think Denmark is a xenophobic country.
Morten Messerschmidt, a well known politician in danish parlament,
sung nazy songs in Groften Restaurant in Tivoli in Copenhagen,
Denmark. But this is not all. The politics of his party is:
...Here is not Middle East. It is not even the african jungle, neither
a balcanic country with thieves where only the strongest have the
right to live. We wish our beloved country back. We will use any
method to send these savage and unintegrable people home, back
to their home, where is chaos, crime, robbery and anarchy. Here,
they are only a balast and they bring nothing good to us.

What do you say about that?