Source: Twitpic

Source: Twitpic

Source: Flickr
Copenhagen climate summit: 1,000 anarchists arrested
Hundreds Demanding Globalist Agenda Arrested at Copenhagen
100,000 Protest at Cop15, Police Make Mass Arrests
Climate activists condemn Copenhagen police tactics
First for all:
GO GUYS,GO!!! Protest la!!!
Second for all...
I 've met Danish hippy guys, they were very nice. But still..Still they repeat the shit like any ordinary Danes, and they do not realize: they are already living in a socialist country...:)
So they protest against the polution, what is very nice. But as we get to the point of society, they are confused, and blind.
Sorry guys...BUT DO IT!
Tadzio Müller, spokesperson for Climate Justice Action, arrested shortly after press conference from within the Bella Center.
Denmark just got even funnier.
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