Denmark has stolen children from their foreigner parents

Saturday, March 06, 2010

Danish authorities are racist

The Vicepresident of Det Radikale Venstre Party, Zenia Stampe, accused Ove Dahl for violation of the so-called racism paragraph (Penal Code article 266 b).
Zenia Stampe is angry at the way Ove Dahl has referred Romanian criminals. Homicide chief's opinions have fallen in the light of the extremely violent crime Monday evening on the 42-year-old Norwegian stewardess Vera Vildmyren at Radisson SAS Hotel on Amager.
The radical vice booklets mainly by the following statements by Ove Dahl in Politiken Saturday edition:
"The open borders, whereby we are overrun by Eastern Europeans. It is a huge problem. They are committing bank robberies, home robberies, serious theft, begging, shoplifting - everything."
And again: "The Romanians are unscrupulous. They kill for a couple of hundred dollars. It is a completely different culture."
According Zenia Stampe makes Ove Dahl with these statements is guilty of a violation of Penal Code section 266 b, ie. 'publicly or with intent to disseminate to a wider circle makes a statement or other communication by which a group of people are threatened, insulted or degraded on account of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion or sexual orientation'.
Zenia Stampe elaborates: "Ove Dahl helps to legitimize racially motivated attacks, so-called hate crimes. On the way he is likely to create crime rather than preventing it. The police are there to prevent crime and provide reassurance. But with such statements, he creates insecurity - among both resident easternworkers and Danes. It is not served."
The radical politician adds' Romanians share our newspapers out and repairing the holes in our roads. It simply is not decent that they be accused of being thieves and murderers. All Danes are not murderers, just because we have Peter Lundin.

Source: Radikal næstformand anmelder drabschef (link in danish) and translation

Drabschef anmeldt for racisme (1 with comments - some in english, and 2) (links in danish)

1 comment:

Veebee said...

Hi, are you using Google translate?
I can hardly understand a word of your article here - but I read it in the danish news, fortunately.

But of course, it's horrible news, as it has been since the Danish government have relied on The Danish Populist Party to support it!

Please keep going reveiling all of this "newspeak", not only in Denmark, but also in the rest of the world!