Denmark has stolen children from their foreigner parents

Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Danish Food

Denmark's contributions to cooking are flæskesteg (roast pork prepared with the rind on it, served with sweet/sour red cabbage, boiled and caramelised potatoes and a brown sauce), hakkebøf (steaks of minced beef, served with boiled potatoes, fried onions and a brown sauce) and frikadeller (fried meat balls made of minced pork and veal, served like the hakkebøf). As opposed to the brown sauce served in Britain, the Danish version sometimes has a taste.

Lunch is open sandwiches prepared on slices of rye bread. Any sort of meat, including what was left of the dinner the day before, may be used on the smørrebrød. In particular, marinated herrings in spicy sauce is popular. The lunch is washed down with Danish beer, and at weekends with snaps (an alcohol made on potatoes and with various herbs like cumin). The snaps must be served ice cold.

The younger generations are increasingly revolting against the fatty diet, which is replaced with pizzas, pastas, and other foreign food.

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